Lijo’s candidacy. Harsh reply from the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires to Minister Cúneo Libarona

by times news cr

In a harsh statement, the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires expressed “his surprise and disagreement” with statements by the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libaronawhich included disqualifications towards those who question the federal judge’s nomination to the Supreme Court Ariel Lijo.

Javier Milei’s official had said last week: “I have heard many people who think that they have no idea what they are thinking. Not only is he prestigious in the jurisdiction, everyone loves him, his peers and his superiors. Many judges had cases. The Lijo case was heavily investigated, they requested reports from numerous places and everything ended up in a file.”

The Board of Directors of the College ratified its rejection of Lijo’s proposal, “based on the invariable criterion of defending the rule of law, republican values ​​and the independence of Justice, principles that would be affected by the appointment of a person who, as federal judge, has shown signs of behavior that is not consistent with the essential public trust that those who exercise the judiciary must awaken.”

In that sense, they considered that the minister’s statements (regarding those who “have an opinion and have no idea”) “are disdainful” and “do not know the content” of the College’s declaration and its work in defense of republican values ​​and the judicial independence.

“It was our College that challenged at the time the candidacy of Dr. Raúl Zaffaroni for Supreme Court judge. It was also the College that promoted the claim of unconstitutionality against the reform of the Judicial Council of 2006, by which the political establishment was favored to the detriment of legal professionals,” indicated the institution that it presides. Albert F. Garay. The former presidents adhered to the statement Guillermo Libera y Maximo Fonrouge.

He also recalled the push for the unconstitutionality of the Kirchnerist law of 2012, baptized as “democratization of justice” and the 2015 surrogacy law.

And he added: “It is worth remembering the initiative of our College, to which a large number of civil society entities joined, requesting the carrying out of a broad audit in the federal justice system to determine the reasons why many causes of corruption were found. cajoneadas, whose first advance, paradoxically, revealed the unusual delays in the processing of cases in two of the federal courts audited at that time, one of which occupied Judge Lijo.

When the news of Lijo’s nomination by Milei became known, the College had considered that the current Buenos Aires federal judge “does not satisfy the required suitability and aptitude requirements” for the position.

“The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation is the highest federal court in our country and, as such, has the last word in trials in which issues that involve the rights and guarantees guaranteed in the National Constitution are discussed,” he recalled. and maintained that its members “must be impeccable jurists, with distinguished professional and moral backgrounds; since the lack of suitability or the absence of honorability of any of them, sooner or later but inexorably, will disgrace the Court in the eyes of public opinion.”

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