Like a mythical being.. an amazing picture from a remote part of the galaxy

by time news The European Space Telescope has managed to capture a stunning image of a region where stars reside in the Milky Way, 2500 light-years away from Earth.

According to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, the image taken by the observatory, and earlier this year, shows the area known as the “Cuz Nebula”, which is similar to a mythical being in a standing state.

This region is known as the “Cuz Nebula”; Composed of hydrogen, and part of a region called NGC 2264, it was first discovered by astronomer William Herschel in the late 18th century.

The grandest evolution process occurs at this point, when newly formed, bright blue stars emit strong solar winds and ultraviolet rays, exploding material in their surroundings.

The observatory explains that the nebula takes its longitudinal shape, when gas and dust rushes away from the newborn stars, and this process is what produces the so-called Cob Nebula.

Astronomers have previously provided a lot of information about the nebula, but the recent image provided a stunning picture.

The observatory published a picture of the nebula on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of its launch in order to accomplish astronomical tasks.

On the fifth of October 1962, five countries signed an agreement to establish the observatory, while today it has the support of 16 member states, along with other strategic partners.

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Source: “yahoo”

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