“Like today.” The discovery of “Ashen Light” on Venus, January 9…

by time news

(MENAFN- Youm7)

80 years ago, Italian astronomer Giovanni Riccioli saw a strange glowing light on the night side of Venus, dubbing it the “Light of Venus,” on January 9, 1643.

It has been seen sporadically by astronomers since then, while others who have looked for it have been unable to find it. To this day, no one really knows why the Ashen Light appears.

People wanted to attribute this to the optical quality of the telescopes, and today many believe that the light is associated with thunderstorms on Venus, according to Space.com.

It could also be the result of solar radiation interacting with the atmosphere similar to how the aurora borealis occur on Earth. Whatever it is, it has been a scientific mystery for centuries.


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