Like Tom Holland, did you decide to quit social media to preserve your sanity? tell us

by time news

He made the choice to protect himself. This Sunday, actor Tom Holland announced on Instagram to his 67 million subscribers his decision to withdraw from social networks. The goal: to preserve his mental health. In the video, already viewed more than 20 million times, the interpreter of Spiderman explains “to find Instagram and Twitter overstimulating, overwhelming (…). I spin when I read about myself online, says the 26-year-old actor. So I decided to withdraw from social networks and delete the apps”. As early as 2018, Selena Gomez made the same decision. The star with 343 million Instagram subscribers has given up on social networks, believing that they have a deleterious effect on his mental health. Like them, more and more young people are choosing to stay away. Between the hours spent scrolling and the impression that others have a more hectic life, many have decided to zap the networks from their existence.

Is this your case? Like Tom Holland, have you chosen to withdraw from social networks to spare yourself their deleterious effects on your mental health? What ended up weighing you down the most with social networks? The hours spent (and wasted) in front of the screen, the pressure of self-staging and the quest for likes, or the impression that your life seemed less beautiful than the others? Since when did you drop Instagram, Twitter or even TikTok? Did you find a sense of well-being afterwards? Have you had the temptation to return to the networks? Did you give in? Tell us.

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