Likud man reveals the negotiations between Mansour Abbas and Rabbi Druckman | Listen

by time news

The elder of the rabbis of religious Zionism, the rabbi Haim DruckmanAnd Chairman of RAAM, Mansour Abbas, Held secret talks at the end of last year’s elections, in order to promote a government train by Netanyahu, it was reported last night in News 12. As a result, Amit LevyA former Knesset member from the Likud faction and who mediated his initiative between the parties, spoke this morning (Wednesday) with Golan Yokfaz and Anat Davidov on 103FM.

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At the beginning of the conversation, he referred to mediation attempts on his part: “This world of mediation terms is irrelevant to events. I entered this event many years ago, and other rabbis who do not think today, that the State of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people should make the right proposal. The left’s proposal is a kind of civil rake in recognition of the fact that there is another national minority here. “

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Chairman Mansour Abbas (Photo: Yonatan Zindel)

According to him, the correct proposal is: “If the Arab minority in Israel wants to live here as loyal citizens who recognize and respect the national rights of the Jewish people over the Land of Israel, then this formula includes civil rights for every citizen. Precisely because we are a Jewish state we respect every individual and community “.

Afterwards, Levy explained, did he support in the first place putting Ra’am into the coalition: “It never came up and like that we too were not mediators of anything. Abbas addressed me in the Knesset many months ago and is interested in this formula. We checked independently, I suggested to Druckman not alone, there were many more who thought like me that should be offered for the first time and specifically the national camp. Levy stressed that “Netanyahu did not know about it, neither Netanyahu nor the Likud.”

Levy went on to explain why an asset to the mediation between Rabbi Druckman and Abbas: “My motivation appears in many of my articles over the years. Look what happened in the last year, a government came, which under the guise of civic equality imitated, blurred, undermined national identity, the result was Jewish national identity out. “.

“If Mansour Abbas was relevant, and we examined it, and I did not deny it all year as a free citizen and we were a bunch of rabbis who examined this possibility that there is leadership among Israeli Arabs who is willing to follow this path, a path of recognition. “The Jewish people have rights over the Land of Israel and only the Jewish people,” he added.

Did you and Abbas exchange documents on the opening of coalition negotiations?
“Keep in mind that my eyes also saw these messages, they were not related to coalition negotiations, there was a value-based question here that Rabbi Druckman and I examined. The comparison is so outrageous, between civil proposals and civil rights given by a national government. “

At the end, he explained who was to blame for the efforts not succeeding: “In the end this process did not mature as I said. Mansour Abbas also did not agree to make the statements that were the basis, Smutrich objected to this attempt, I thought it worth checking. It is not a tribunal for such accusations. In both parts of the equation. Rabbi Smutritz, Rabbi Druckman also tried to persuade him to agree to the outline and this and Abbas did not agree to sign the outline either. The Jew, and that is what happened in this government and not in vain. “

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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