Likud: “Tonight the Bennett-Abbas government passed the Electricity Law – another tribute by Bennett and Shaked to the Islamic movement”

by time news

The Likud party referred to the electricity law passed last night in the government.

“Tonight, the Bennett Abbas government passed the Electricity Law, which allows a residential building to be connected to electricity, water and telephone even without a building permit.

This is another tribute by Bennett and Shaked to the Islamic movement, a step that will in fact lead to the widespread illegal construction of Arabs throughout our country and will allow the Bedouin to take over more parts of the Negev.

Bennett and Shaked’s surrender to the Islamic movement is already leading to an increase in the activity of criminal organizations in the Arab sector.

“The national opposition will continue to fight this dangerous government and this bad law in order to overthrow it and return Israel to a path of power, determination and security.”

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