Limitation of private jets: after LFI deputies, environmental senators table a bill

by time news

Environmental senators announced on Tuesday that they had in turn tabled, after the LFI deputies the day before, a bill targeting the use of private jets. This text aims to prohibit their use to make connections by train without a connection in less than 2 h 30.

For the environmental senators, “this is a logical extension of the provisions of the Climate law which prohibit these same connections to airliners”. “There is no reason that what is prohibited for everyone remains authorized for our wealthiest compatriots”, they believe.

If this text were adopted, it would no longer be possible to make the Paris-Nantes journey by private jet, for example, as PSG had done at the start of the month to play a Ligue 1 match.

LFI has also tabled its bill

On Monday, it was the LFI deputies who tabled a bill to ban the use of private jets, defending “an ecologically urgent measure”. This text plans to prohibit from January 1, 2023 “the circulation of private planes chartered at the request of an individual or a company outside conventional commercial flights”. A derogation is provided for “medical evacuation” flights or flights concerning “national security”.

On Sunday, Ecological Transition Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher said that all sectors must participate in decarbonisation, but that it would not be “serious” to suggest that a “fight (on) jets” would solve ” the whole problem”.

Transport Minister Clément Beaune, who himself called at the end of August to “regulate private jet flights”, repeated on Sunday that “behaviours must change”. He mentioned the track of “taxation measures” on aviation which has “a tax regime more favorable than certain modes of transport”.

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