Linda Messina and Michele Morelli, the «top» dancers of Italy at the Massimo in Palermo: «Together on stage and in life»

by time news

NoonJanuary 26, 2023 – 09:55

To them the «Italian Dancer and Dancer Award 2022». She is Sicilian, but she has danced all over the world, up to New Zealand, before returning home. He, of Ukrainian origins, grew up in Benevento with his adoptive family and trained at the San Carlo in Naples

Of Roberto Chifari

Two dancers from the Teatro Massimo in Palermo were awarded the “2022 Italian Dancer and Dancer Award”. They are Linda Messina and Michele Morelli. Next Sunday the awards will be presented at the Tina De Lorenzo Theater in Noto, as part of the “Eccellenze della Danza 2023” event, dedicated this year to the memory of Rudolph Nureyev, on the occasion of the thirty years since his death. «We are happy to have received this award – Michele and Linda say in chorus to the Corriere -, but we are especially happy for this Theater, because it gives due prominence to the work done by the Massimo of Palermo and which deserves to have a prominence that goes beyond outside the borders of Sicily. The corps de ballet to which we belong has great potential».

On stage in New Zealand

Linda Messina is Sicilian, originally from Piazza Armerina. Hhe traveled the world and then decided to return to his beloved Sicily. He studied at the National Academy of Dance in Rome and at the Ballet School of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan; after various experiences abroad, especially in France, Germany and New Zealand, she returned to Italy in Florence, collaborating with the Florentine Maggio Musicale and with the Rome Opera House. Since 2018 she has been dancing in the corps de ballet of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, playing first roles and solo roles. Among the many: Juliet in Romeo and Juliet by Davide Bombana; the daughter in Micha van Hoecke’s Pink Floyd; Maria in Jean-Sébastien Colau’s The Nutcracker. «I’ve traveled the world a bit, but I took my first steps right here in Sicily – says Messina -. After the training experience at the National Academy of Dance in Rome and at the Ballet School of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, I left Italy because contracts in our country are too often short-term. And so, I had the opportunity to work in Germany, where I was able to deal with professional figures of the highest level. A wonderful experience that gave me the opportunity to go to the other side of the world: to New Zealand where I lived for three years». A distant continent, an opposite hemisphere and a culture that is profoundly different from the European one, but an opportunity not to be missed. «It is certainly the most important experience that I carry with me, both for the distance and for my professional career, I lived it deeply and it allowed me to fully experience a culture different from ours but which gave me the opportunity to travel the world and to be able to dance on tour».

The return to Italy

But after a few years, the decision to return to Italy. «I was very tired, I never came home and I said to myself why not try to go home? It all started like this, I took part in the auditions at the Teatro Massimo and they took me.An indescribable joy, I left home when I was 11 and returning to Italy and Sicily was nice, but not obvious». So much so that when in 2018 she called home to announce her return a few kilometers from her Piazza Armerina, it was immediately a party. «At home my parents were delighted that I was back in Palermo – continues Messina -, for them in all these years seeing me outside has been a great suffering. When my mother learned that I had to leave to go and live in New Zealand she was worried and so was I, above all because my main fear was related to the distance. I knew if something happened I couldn’t get back quickly. Living in New Zealand was a great experience, but they have a different culture than ours. In Italy we love art, food and being able to work here in my land is wonderful. When I moved to Palermo my parents were very happy, even the simple fact of being able to go home whenever I want has made all the difference. And then in Palermo it is good and I have resumed not only my professional life, but also a life outside of dance and this can only be good for you ».

The meeting with Michael

In Palermo, Linda meets Michele Morelli, a dancer at the Massimo who has already been in the city for two years. With the first works, the understanding grew and soon they became first a stage couple and then, also a couple in life. «We first met here in Palermo – they say -, from a stage couple we then also became a couple in life. Initially we danced in various classical ballets, then by continuing to work together that extra sympathy was triggered. And now, we are building something more important». Morelli, of Ukrainian origins and adopted by an Italian family, grew up in Benevento. He began his studies at the age of 12 at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, completing his career at the Scuola del Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. Since 2016 he has been dancing in the corps de ballet of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo where he has played many solo roles and first roles: Romeo in «Romeo and Juliet» by Davide Bombana, Diaghilev in Nijinski by Marco Goecke, Valmont in Dangerous Liaisons, Dario in Lo Nutcracker by Jean-Sébastien Colau. «It is an indescribable emotion to be recognized as an Italian dancer, especially in this era where dance is too often put in the background – explains Morelli-. In recent years the various corps de ballet have been closed or downsized. Being lucky enough to work in an opera institution such as the Teatro Massimo, one of four in Italy, as well as being a great privilege, is a unique opportunity for the promotion of dance. This honor comes after another mention which in 2021 saw us in Padua receive the National Award “Sfera D’Oro per la Danza”. An acknowledgment that is confirmed also this year».

The golden season of Massimo

For the Teatro Massimo, the double confirmation takes on a double value because it rewards the all-Sicilian excellence of the opera house and relaunches the corps de ballet. «We are happy and proud for the news of the awards assigned to Linda Messina and Michele Morelli and for the mention to the director of the Teatro Massimo ballet corps Jean-Sébastien Colau – says Marco Betta, superintendent of the Foundation. Our corps de ballet is a source of pride for the commitment and quality of the work carried out and the “Eccellenze della Danza” award is further confirmation of the results achieved». The appointment is for this Sunday where the two dancers will perform a new creation signed by the choreographer Vincenzo Veneruso.

January 26, 2023 | 09:55

© Time.News

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