Lindner wants to cancel purchase premiums for electric cars free press

by time news

If Christian Lindner has his way, there will no longer be any purchase premiums for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. The Federal Minister of Finance expects considerable savings from this.


Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to abolish purchase premiums for electric cars.

“We simply can no longer afford misguided subsidies,” said the FDP boss of the “Welt am Sonntag”: “If it’s up to me, the purchase premiums for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids, for example, will be deleted. The cars have been so far sometimes subsidized with up to 20,000 euros over the lifetime, even for top earners. That’s too much. We can save billions that we can use more sensibly.”

The finance minister is insisting that the federal government once again comply with the debt brake suspended in the corona pandemic in 2023. Lindner wants to prioritize projects. At the beginning of July, the cabinet wants to decide on the draft budget.

The ADAC demanded planning security from the federal government. “Against the background of the funding, many consumers have already ordered an electric vehicle,” said Transport President Gerhard Hillebrand on Saturday. “For most models, the delivery times extend well into the next year, so that there is a risk that the planned state subsidy will no longer be available. So far there has been no indication that the federal government will completely stop subsidies for purely battery-electric new cars from next year want.” Lindner’s proposal was unacceptable in view of the politically created expectations.

Habeck: Funding for plug-in hybrid cars only until the end of 2022

So far, the traffic light is planning a reform of government premiums for the purchase of electric cars and plug-in hybrids. According to plans by Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), the subsidy for plug-in hybrid cars is to be canceled at the end of 2022, earlier than previously planned. Plug-in hybrids combine an electric motor and a combustion engine. According to Habeck’s plans, there should also be less money from the state for pure electric cars in the future.

Lindner had already spoken out in favor of reducing state subsidies. At the end of May he said at the “Business Day” of the CDU Economic Council in Berlin that the state not only had to get rid of the “addiction to new debts”. “We also have to get used to the addiction to new subsidies,” said Lindner. Car manufacturers make billions in profits, electric cars are not available. “Nevertheless, there are purchase bonuses on top of that.” Lindner also mentioned state subsidies for the construction of new buildings. The state will not be able to subsidize everything in the long run. (dpa)

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