“Linea is keeping the attention very high”

by time news

The Covid pandemic in Italy “is not over. We certainly claim a different situation, which has allowed us to make gradual openings. But we absolutely must not imagine that the game is over. We need to continue with attention, caution, gradualness, especially in light of the many variations that are making this challenge more difficult and with respect to which we need to keep the level of attention, control and verification very high. And I think this will still be the line for the next few weeks “. The Minister of Health said so Roberto Speranza, intervened at the presentation of the ‘Ethical Constitution’ National Federation of Health Technicians of Medical Radiology and of Technical Health Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention (Tsrm and Pstrp), underway in Rome.

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“Today – recalled Speranza – we are in a different phase of the pandemic. As is well known, they are among the most prudent, among the most cautious, among those who have insisted that the reopening process be gradual, without too hasty steps. This gradual path , launched on April 26, has allowed us today to have a photograph that is objectively better than that of a few months ago. The numbers we deal with every day are significant. We had almost 30 thousand people in our hospitals, now we have less than 1,500, or minus 95%. We had 3800 people in intensive care, now we have about 220, we are, even in this case, at minus 90%. And the number of infected daily has also dropped a lot “.

“In the Pnnr – said Speranza – we are investing 4 billion so that all the high-quality medical equipment that is more than 5 years old can be replaced. It is not a trivial fact. It will be a great operation of territorial equity, because there are pieces of Country, not only in the North-South dynamic but also within the Regions themselves, where one can afford to change equipment in the course of a few years and there are places where this does not happen “.

“You know for the work you do – said the minister addressing the health workers – how important it is to have adequate equipment compared to the work that takes place every day”. The minister recalled that now, in a different phase of the fight against the pandemic, “we must be able to build a new health system”. A commitment that, for Hope, will have to involve everyone in a ‘pact-country’.

“Inside a crisis it squeezes us together and it seems to me that this ‘ethical constitution’, this initiative that you wanted to promote, has this basic principle, of how a piece makes itself available to a wider design starting from some fundamental values wider “, said Speranza, to whom health professionals offered a copy of the text at the end of his speech.

“The pandemic has made it clear to everyone that the National Health Service is the most precious thing we have. For this we must invest in the women and men who work every day to make it better”, the minister then wrote on Facebook, posting the photo of his participation in today’s event.

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