Liora Ofer wants to ride the wave of real estate price increases

by time news

The Melisron company, controlled by Liora Ofer, is about to officially enter the field of housing. Calcalist has learned that Melisron is currently signing a deal to purchase about half of the Aviv Group’s residential construction business.

The Aviv Group is controlled by Doron Aviv and his sister Dafna Harlev and was founded by their father Moshe Aviv. In August, it published a prospectus for the company’s offering, which has not happened to date. The brothers wanted to issue the company at a value of about NIS 1 billion and raise about NIS 200 million, but the deal with Melisron will probably be made at a lower value of NIS 900-800 million. Aviv Real Estate operates through two subsidiaries engaged in residential development and income-producing real estate. Melisron is expected to enter into residential development activities.

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Liora Ofer against a background of construction

Liora Ofer against the background of a building under construction

(Photos: Uriel Cohen, Amit Shaal)

Aviv Real Estate is one of the oldest companies in the country, established in 1963 and built thousands of housing units in Israel and towers, including the city gate tower in Ramat Gan, C & Sun and Aviv Bagimel. The company prospectus stated that the company is working during this period to establish 1,500 housing units, of which 500 are under construction.

Melisron operates in the field of income-producing real estate and, together with Azrieli, is one of the two largest mall companies in the country. The company is traded at a value of NIS 11.4 billion.

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