List of objects that CANNOT be entered

by time news

2023-09-12 02:00:19

From phones and watches to earrings, pens, coins and metal objects are strictly prohibited in the ENARM.
This knowledge test was applied for the first time in 1977 and since then it has been an instrument for measuring general medicine knowledge.
For this 2023 edition, 47,246 Mexican and foreign doctors were registered.

The definitive date for thousands of general doctors who want to become specialists is about to happen. Its about National Examination of Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2023 and therefore it is time to analyze all the details. In addition to the complexity of the test, also remember that there are strong security measures at the application sites.

When was ENARM first applied?

This knowledge test was applied for the first time in 1977 and since then it has been an instrument for measuring general medicine knowledge. The body that regulates and administers it is the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS).

It emerged as a way to identify general practitioners who can study a specialty within a hospital. One of the drawbacks is that since then the number of applicants has grown exponentially; On the other hand, the available spaces have not had the same increase.

In that sense, the 2020 edition was historic because it They doubled the available spaces and, for the first time, scholarships were offered to study the specialty in Cuba. Although even with these modifications it has not been possible to guarantee that the majority of young people can meet their goal.

Currently, only four out of 10 general practitioners who pass the exam obtain a place in a hospital. With this it can be seen that more hospitals are required to accommodate young people who wish to continue their studies.

ENARM 2023: All objects that cannot be entered

Now, as with other tests such as high school or university entrance exams, there are various measures to avoid any type of illicit activity. In this case the priority is to ensure that young people do not copy each other.

With this in mind, the CIFRHS published the ENARM 2023 entry, application and final score instructions. It contains general instructions regarding this year’s test. At the same time, it also has a section with all the objects that cannot be brought into any of the headquarters.

Suitcases, backpacks, bags, pens, pencils, notebooks, dark glasses or sunglasses, caps, hats and metallic or magnetic items, coins, bills, jewelry, belts, noise plugs, food, pens, car keys and/or from home and USB.

Likewise, even the Analog and digital devices such as watches, calculators, phones, tablets and any type of gadget are prohibited. It does not matter if they are turned off because they cannot be entered in any way, although they can be left in the parcel area of ​​each headquarters.

For its part, the instructions of the CIFRHS mentions that the parcel staff will not be responsible for the loss, theft or breakdown of any type of objects or electronic devices. Therefore, the greatest recommendation is to go with strictly what is necessary.

Finally, remember that the ENARM will be applied on Tuesday the 26th, Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th of September 2023. This time the official headquarters are Puebla, León and Sonora and as in recent years there will be a morning shift and an afternoon shift.

Also read:

ENARM 2023: This is the total number of doctors who registered

ENARM 2023: Here you can download the instructions for entry, application and delivery of scores

ENARM 2023: SSa assures that there is no sale of places and asks not to fall into improper practices

#List #objects #entered

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