List of top 7 umpires who have officiated the most matches in international cricket

by time news


It is the vital duty of the umpires to provide fair decisions that can decide the outcome of the match at the time of need of the two teams who are at their best in most of the exciting moments of international cricket. The umpire’s job is not to be one-sided, but to give accurate and correct judgments, especially when the bowlers are called out.


In any international match, players from both teams are given a chance to rest from time to time but it is difficult for the umpires to stand firm and deliver challenging decisions accurately throughout the rest of the overs except the innings break. Because despite all the special training and lessons for it, it is really challenging for the human umpires to make the correct decision in a matter of seconds in a hectic field especially in moments like lbw.

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Top 5 Amps:
In acting as umpires, there are 3 types of jobs namely field umpire, 3rd umpire and umpire. Each sector has its own set of challenges. While acting as umpires, they must keep a close eye on the entire match and see if there is any cheating going on and if any player is breaking the rules. The 3rd umpire uses the latest technology available in TV Replay to make perfect decisions that can change in seconds.


Above all, the job of umpires on the field is more difficult than giving correct judgments on the field and occasionally stepping in to stop some of the players from fighting. Let’s take a look at the top 7 umpires who overcame all these challenges and umpired the most matches in international cricket for many years:

7. Steve Buckner 337: From 1989 – 2009, Sachin Tendulkar would have missed at least 3 – 4 centuries by getting out in the 90s because of this West Indies man who spoiled many of India’s victories.


He has participated in 309 matches on the field and 28 matches as the 3rd umpire in a total of 337 matches and is ranked 7th in this list.

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6. Stephen Davies 340: From 1992 to 2015, he was on the field in 220 matches and was the 3rd umpire in 120 matches. He is 6th in this list with 340 matches.

6. Darl Carper 340: From 2002 – 2011, he was on the field in 271 matches and 3rd umpire in 61 matches and he has refereed a total of 340 matches and is ranked 6th in this list.

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5. Ian Gould 341: From 2006 to 2019, he has acted as an umpire in a total of 349 matches in 251 matches on the field and as third referee in 90 matches and is ranked 5th in the list.


4. Simon Doubal 349: Hailing from Australia, he is a world-renowned umpire who is a fan favourite. This is because 9.9 out of 10 of his decisions are correct, symbolically giving the umpires accurate judgments that are fair and not always one-sided on the field. Because of that, he won the ICC World’s Best Umpire Award for 5 consecutive years from 2004-2008.

From 1992 to 2014, he has acted as a TV umpire in 67 matches in 282 matches on the field and umpired in a total of 349 matches. In all fairness, he should be first on this list. But he felt that his age was affecting his decisions, and this was due to his premature and honest retirement.

3. Billy Bowden 395: It is no exaggeration to say that the New Zealander is a captivating umpire who has delighted fans around the world with his funny antics, delivering 9 out of 10 correct decisions in international matches. He had different styles to attract the fans for all the results like sixes, fours, outs and we cannot forget his umpiring that brought smiles to the faces of the fans.

From 1996 – 2012, this 90s kids fan-favorite umpire takes the 3rd place in this list, having refereed a total of 395 international matches in 308 matches on the field and 87 matches as a TV umpire.

2. Rudy Kortsin 396: From 1992 to 2010, he from South Africa has acted as an umpire in a total of 396 matches in 331 matches on the ground and as a TV referee in 65 matches and takes the 2nd place in this list.

He is famous among the fans for raising his hand patiently without getting nervous no matter how aggressive the bowlers ask for out.

Aleem Dar 1

1. Aleem Dar 524: From 2000 till now, he has set a world record as a successful umpire in 524 matches in 3 types of cricket for 22 years. So far he has refereed 419 matches on the ground and also refereed 105 matches on TV.


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