List with all the health events of July

by time news

2023-07-04 00:00:03

Currently there are 4.950 million people who use the internet worldwide.
At least one in three people use digital channels to find the doctor they want to see for a consultation.
Among the main health events in July are the anniversary of Cofepris and World Head and Neck Cancer Day.

The first half of the year quickly came to an end and that is why now is the time to talk about the main Health ephemeris of July. In this case, there are multiple special dates that all doctors and other health professionals should be aware of because they have a direct impact on their work. Although there are also other reasons for which it is worth being aware.

The power of the internet keeps on rising

Today’s world would be impossible to imagine without the internet. It is a tool that has completely transformed communication and the way information is transmitted. According to Digital 2022 report by We Are Social and Hootsuite It has at least 4.950 million users, although the number continues to rise.

For its part, the way in which patients look for their doctors has also changed. Now at least one in three uses digital channels to identify the specialist with whom they want to go to a consultation.

From the above, it is essential to have a presence on the internet and social networks. Therefore, knowing in advance the health ephemeris of july it is important to know the topics you can focus on.

One easy way you can gain credibility is through regular posting. For your messages to have a greater impact, you can support yourself in special celebrations. Take advantage of these days to publish information or data of interest that will help you attract patients.

All the health events of July

One of the first special dates of the month occurs on July 3 because it commemorates the World Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Day. It is a genetic disease characterized by thick thumbs and toes, short stature, distinctive facial features, and varying degrees of intellectual disability.

Now, July 5th is another important date because it is the anniversary of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris). It was that day but in 2001 when it was created by presidential decree. He is currently one of the highest authorities that all health professionals should know.

While July 8 commemorates the World Allergy Day. To date, it is a public health problem due to its high incidence. It is estimated that there are at least 300 million people with asthma and a similar number with allergic rhinitis. Based on the Ministry of Health (SSa), the tangible and intangible costs of the affected people include: hospitalization, medications, laboratory studies, quality of life and disabilities.

Finally, within the ephemeris of the month it is worth remembering that July 28 is the World Hepatitis Day. Classified into five types, it is one of the most numerous infections on the planet.

Types B (HBV) and C (HCV) are the most common and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that they affect at least 325 million people. For this reason, for years we have been working on different strategies to reduce the incidence until it is eradicated.

01 – International Fruit Day
03 – World Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Day
05 – Anniversary of Cofepris
06 – International Kiss Day
06 – World Zoonoses Day
08 – World Allergy Day
10 – World Glut Day1
11 – World Population Day
12 – Social Medicine Day
13 – International Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Day
13 – International Sarcoma Day
14 – International Nursing Assistant Day
18 – World Listening Day
22 – World Brain Day
22 – World Fragile X Syndrome Day
23 – World Sjögren’s Syndrome Day
24 – International Self-Care Day
25 – World Day for the Prevention of Drowning
27 – World Head and Neck Cancer Day
28 – World Hepatitis Day

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#List #health #events #July

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