Listed are the deadliest viruses on the planet

by time news

2023-09-26 10:20:00

The first places among the deadliest viruses on the planet are occupied by HIV, Dengue fever virus, hepatitis viruses and SARS-CoV2, virologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory of bionanotechnology, microbiology and virology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Novosibirsk State University Sergei Netesov told Gazeta.Ru, reports Day.Az.

“I would probably put HIV in first place. It affects the cells of the immune system. At the moment, there are only two cases of cure for this virus, achieved in a very expensive way. And it has not yet been possible to develop a vaccine against it, despite dozens of attempts do this because it eludes the immune response,” Netesov said.

In second place, the specialist put the Dengue fever virus, which has no permanent foci in Russia yet. A vaccine against it has not yet been developed, but the candidate drugs currently being tested provide a very good protective effect.

“Dengue fever began to spread around the world several decades ago. Mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albipictus (the so-called tiger mosquitoes) continue to spread throughout the tropics and subtropics and spread this infection. It was previously found only in limited areas of the tropical zone, but has now spread throughout throughout the tropical zone and most of the subtropics. And in fact, every year up to 40 million cases of illness are detected in the world,” the virologist noted.

The specialist placed all viral hepatitis in third place, and SARS-CoV2 in fourth place.

“In the USA in 2020, it was the fourth leading cause of mortality – after cardiovascular diseases, cancer, accidents and accidents. And here in Russia, according to the Rosstat Demographic Yearbook 2021, mortality in 2020 compared with 2019- m increased by as much as 15%! Such an increase in mortality has not happened in the previous 20 years!” – the scientist concluded.

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