“LitPop” is relaunching for the book fair: MDR, ARD KULTUR, ZDF and 3sat celebrate together with literature and music

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For the 12th edition, over 2,000 young people who are enthusiastic about the printed and spoken word are expected on the Friday of the trade fair until the early hours of the morning on Saturday. Featuring, among others, Michael Nast, Friedemann Karig, Sebastian 23 and Thomas Hitzlsperger.

The book fair is in the starting blocks and with it the legendary “LitPop” is returning. On the Friday of the trade fair (March 22, 2024 from 6 p.m.), more than 24 authors will take to the four stages in the Congress Hall at the Zoo in the first part of “LitPop”. The rules of the game are as simple as they are tried and tested: five minutes of interview and 20 minutes of reading allow for a full cosmos of unique personalities and controversial topics.

From Micha Nast to Thomas Hitzlsperger

Moderators from ARD, ZDF and 3sat moderate, comment and debate. You can experience Michael Nast, Friedemann Karig, Sebastian 23, Toxische Fries, Thomas Hitzlsperger, Ole Liebl and many other authors. There is music by Michael Mayer (Kompakt), Mine, Katja Ruge and others

In his latest book “Because Something’s Missing,” Michael Nast questions our modern thought patterns and lifestyle habits. Ole Liebl works on new forms of relationships under the keyword friends with benefits in “Friends love” and the collective “Liquid Center” (Verena Güntner, Elisabeth R. Hager) explores the female orgasm in their book “We are coming”.

Friedemann Karig’s “What You Want” is much more political: While he explores the practice of rebellion, the Instagram and TikTok phenomenon “Toxische Fries” shares his experiences of growing up in Austria in “Schönes Fremdenkind”.

The carpet is rolled out at LitPop, especially for new narrative forms and stories. Elias Hirschl surprises here with his novel satire “Content” about the ChatGPT generation.

The “Book Lounge” from ARD Kultur with Mona Ameziane will be fast-paced, funny and entertaining. A new episode of the live podcast will be recorded at LitPop and will then be available in the ARD Audiothek listen.

The deliberately wild genre mix of science, current affairs, politics, lifestyle and pop-cultural phenomena underlines that the profound and the popular can coexist. A mixture that has characterized this unique format since 2008 and ensures a completely sold-out event year after year.

Since literature doesn’t just play a role in printed books these days, visitors can also immerse themselves in intensive audio book experiences via headphones. This campaign is supported by IG Hörbuch and the German Book Trade Association.

Around midnight, when the last stories have been told, space is made available for music acts on the main stage and in the foyers.

This year’s concert slot features POP free spirit and exceptional artist Mine with her powerful sound on the main stage. Afterwards, there will be extensive dancing until the early hours of Saturday morning on two floors to sets by Michael Mayer (Kompakt), Katja Ruge (Can Love Be Synth), Spindyrella and Ra-min (Music of Color).


Tickets for the LitPop Advance sales cost 20 euros (plus advance booking fees) and are available online Tixforgigs available.

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