Live Broadcast: IDF Orders Evacuation of Gaza City Residents – Latest Updates

by time news

Title: IDF Calls for Evacuation in Northern Gaza Strip as Tensions Escalate

Subtitle: Hamas Urges Residents Not to Comply with IDF’s Evacuation Order

Date: October 13, 2023

In response to escalating tensions and ongoing military operations, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has called on residents of Gaza City and other areas in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate their homes and move south for their safety. The IDF spokesperson released a warning stating that terrorists from the Hamas organization are hiding in tunnels and that significant action will be taken in those areas.

The United Nations (UN) spokesperson confirmed that Israel had ordered the evacuation of all residents north of the Gaza River, including those in Gaza City, the Jabaliya camp, and the cities of Beit Hanun and Beit Lahia. The order affects approximately 1.1 million people.

However, Hamas officials have urged residents not to comply with the IDF’s evacuation order. They cautioned the population against falling for what they referred to as the “propaganda” of the evacuation, emphasizing that they view it as a tactic employed by the IDF.

The UN has expressed concern over the potential humanitarian consequences of such extensive movement of people. The organization called on the IDF to reconsider the evacuation order to prevent further tragedy and devastation.

The Gaza Ministry of Health reported that more than 120 people have been killed in the latest wave of attacks, with over 1,500 Palestinians injured. The Israeli Air Force has launched around 6,000 airstrikes in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the conflict, surpassing the number of bombs dropped by the US military in Afghanistan in one year.

In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, clashes between Palestinians and security forces have resulted in 36 deaths and 650 injuries, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Despite the increased violence, there has been limited mobilization of the Palestinian public for Hamas, and conflicts remain relatively contained.

Today, Hamas has declared a “Day of Rage” against Israel, calling on its supporters worldwide to confront Israeli security forces and harm Israelis and Jews wherever they can. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Headquarters for National Security have issued warnings to Israelis abroad, advising vigilance and caution due to the possibility of protests escalating into violence.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Ministry of Defense has activated a program called Meshab Rukh, offering subsidized accommodations for residents of Sderot, who have endured heavy rocket barrages during the conflict. The program aims to provide a respite for locals facing ongoing attacks on their city.

In a show of solidarity with Israel, the Brooklyn Nets basketball team observed a minute of silence before their game against Maccabi Ra’anana. The team also condemned the terrorist attack by Hamas and honored the victims with Noa Kirel performing the national anthem.

In a demonstration at the UN headquarters building in New York, the families of the abductees projected images of innocent children and civilians kidnapped by Hamas, pleading for their safe return. The international community continues to monitor the situation closely, with hopes for a de-escalation of tensions and a return to peace.

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