Live broadcast: The Netanyahu family’s lawsuit against Olmert was accepted

by time news

(Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90)

The Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court handed down the verdict live this morning (Monday) in the lawsuit filed by former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his family against former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Discrimination against Olmert

Drama in a sentence: The judge accepts the claim of the Netanyahu family against Olmert. According to the judge, “Olmert did not speak the truth and did not act in good faith, therefore the two main defenses stipulated in the law are not up to him.”

He also added that “the compensation will be reduced due to the political context of the lawsuit.”

As mentioned, the lawsuit is accepted, and Olmert will have to pay Netanyahu NIS 20,000, Sarah Netanyahu NIS 35,000, and Yair Netanyahu NIS 7,500. A total of NIS 62,500 and expenses of NIS 10 for lawyers NIS 25,000. The Netanyahu family sued Olmert for NIS 830,000.

Olmert and Netanyahu (archive, Kobi Gideon/Flash90)

As I recall, the Netanyahu family filed the lawsuit against Olmert after he called them “mentally ill”, and insisted that he was stating a real situation and not his personal opinion.

At the end of the hearing in court as part of the defamation lawsuit that took place about five months ago, opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu published a post that scorched the web in a matter of minutes.

In a post published by Netanyahu, he wrote: “Sarah, Yair and Avner, I love you. I am proud of you. My wife Sarah and my sons Yair and Avner have been under an evil, false and cruel attack for more than 20 years. They do not deserve this. It is not their fault.”

More on the same topic

Netanyahu to the judges of the High Court: the verdict against me was given without authority


Netanyahu went on to write: “This terrible hunting expedition is being carried out only because they are trying to harm me through my family, because I am a strong leader of the right. If only I would fold, if only I would hand over the keys of the state to the Muslim Brotherhood, or give up the property of our ancestors to supporters of terrorism – The media would have supported my family. But thanks to the public support and the strength of my family’s spirit, I was not ready to give up.”

“That’s why my family pays heavy prices even today, but we don’t bow down. We don’t give up. Your support is what strengthens us to continue fighting for the values ​​that are important to us. For our flag, our strength, our tradition, our people. Thanks to your support We will continue to stand together against all the lies.”

At the end of his words, Netanyahu turned to Olmert: “And one more thing to Ehud Olmert: with your slander and lies you have today hurt masses of Israeli men and women who are really facing mental challenges. You turned them into a punching bag just for a cheap political shot. Shame on you and apologize.”

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