Live broadcast: The submission of the lists to the election committee has begun

by time news

(Photo: Srogim)

Preparations for the 2022 elections are moving up a notch: The Central Election Committee, headed by Judge Yitzhak Amit, has now gathered at the Knesset to receive the candidate lists of the parties running for the 25th Knesset. The submission of the lists will end tomorrow (Thursday) at 22:00, by which time each party must come to the Knesset and submit the registration form to run.

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Each list is obliged to submit its application with the nickname it requests and the letter of the list they want to be on the ballot, as well as a list of candidates that ranges from at least one name to a maximum of 120 candidates. After the official submission, no changes can be made to it, therefore any political connection or armor must be done before reaching the election committee.

Chairman of the Election Committee, Judge Yitzhak Amit (Photo: Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90)

It is important to note that after the submission of the list, the election committee examines the information and can disqualify parties or candidates if there are mistakes or deficiencies in registration or eligibility to run.

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What are the free letters?

According to the law, a party that is already represented in the outgoing Knesset has the right of first refusal to the letters that were already in use before, so the pool of “free” letters remains very limited.

The letters that can be requested for free use are: 7, 10, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12.

Archive (Photo: Avi Rokah/Flash 90)

As for the other letters, new parties can request permission to use from the old parties, but they have to approve it. For example, the combination “Machal” historically belongs to the Likud party, and using any of these three letters would require its approval.

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