live commentary of the match [LIVE]

by time news

Kick-off at 6.30pm in the Adriatico Cornacchia stadium in Pescara for the match between the biancazzurri and Sestri Levante. Zeman is looking for confirmation and the Dolphin is aiming for the three points.

Pescara Sestri Levante 3-0.


A minute of silence to remember Gigi Riva. The match begins. White and blues trying to take control of the game right from the start. In the 5th minute, however, Sestri Levante is dangerous with Margiotta, the ball goes over the crossbar. Four corners for Pescara in 10 minutes, but nothing concrete and dangerous so far from Zeman’s players. The pace wasn’t very high, the blue and whites continued to have control of the ball but were unable to create scoring opportunities. In the 27th minute a flash from Cuppone gives Pescara the lead: 1-0 for the Delfino. At 36′ Merola doubles the lead with a dive and heads to beat Anacoura: 2-0 Pescara Sestri Levante. In the 38th minute Plizzari blocks a dangerous shot from Margiotta. In the final minutes of the first half Sestri looked for a reaction. One minute of injury time and Pescara ended the first half of the game on the attack and led by two goals.


Sestri started strong and forced Plizzari to make a good save in the 46th minute. In the Ligurians, Gala leaves and Omoregbe enters. In the 48th minute Pescara posted the post with Aloi who almost scored the third goal with a nice low shot from the edge. In the 50th minute, however, Sestri came close to scoring, with Plizzari risking giving the visitors the goal with an error. In the 52nd minute Pane was booked and a free kick from an interesting position for Pescara. Nice right-footed shot from Cangiano: corner kick. In the 56th minute Forte has an excellent opportunity but fails to materialise, the ball goes to Plizzari. Game with a higher pace than the first half. In the 60th minute, strong but central shot from Tunjov, no problem for Anacoura. Double change in Sestri: Fossati comes in for Margiotta, Podda comes out, Andreis comes in. In the 64th minute Candiano was booked. In the 67th minute, a great opportunity for Pescara: three shots in a few seconds, but no goals. The goal arrives a minute later with Di Pasquale who shoots at the near post and surprises the opposing goalkeeper: 3-0 for Pescara. In the 70th minute Merola comes out for Masala, Franchini for De Marco. Matteucci enters Sestri for Cambiano, Troiano enters in place of Sandri. In the 79th minute Parlanti from Sestri was booked. In the 80th minute De Marco bombed from the edge, the ball into the top corner. The pace drops towards the end of the match, which is already decided given the result. In the 84th minute Zeppieri comes on for Cuppone. In the 89th minute Furno is booked. In the 90th minute, a good opportunity for Forte, but it deflects wide of the goal. Yellow card for Troiano and 3 minutes of injury time. Last chance for Di Pasquale with a central shot. It ends 3-0 Pescara Sestri Levante.

PESCARA Plizzari; Floriani, Brosco, Di Pasquale, Milani; Franchini, Aloi, Tunjov; Merola, Cuppone, Cangiano. Gasparini, Mesik, Moruzzi, Pierno, Squizzato, De Marco, Masala, Palumbo, Zeppieri are available. Coach Zeman.

SESTRI LEVANTE Anacoura; Podda, Oliana, Pane, Furno; Parlanti, Gala, Sandri; Candiano; Strong, Margiotta. Balducci, Raspa, Troiano, Andreis, Omoregbe, Schirru, Fossati, Grosso, Regini, Matteucci, Raggio Garibaldi are available. Coach Barilari.

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