LIVE – Ukraine: Pope “deplores” annexations “contrary to international law”

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Emmanuel Macron and Volodymyr Zelensky spoke by phone this Sunday

Emmanuel Macron spoke by telephone this Sunday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Élysée informed BFMTV.

The two heads of state discussed the situation in Zaporijja, “which remains very worrying. The President of the Republic condemned the arrest by Russian forces of the director of the plant”, indicates the Elysée.

They both mentioned “the very short-term urgency of allowing the rotation of Ukrainian personnel who ensure the operation and safety of the installations”.

In addition, Emmanuel Macron reiterated his condemnation of the illegal annexations of the four Ukrainian regions by Russia.

Pope ‘begs’ Putin to stop ‘spiral of violence’ and ‘deplores’ annexations

Pope Francis “begged” Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday to “stop” the “spiral of violence” in Ukraine, while deeply deploring annexations “contrary to international law”.

Before his Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope addressed “the President of the Russian Federation, begging him to stop, also out of love for his people, this spiral of violence and death”.

This is the first time that the pope has directly designated the Russian president during a speech since the start of the conflict on February 24.

Russian Constitutional Court approves annexation of Ukrainian territories

The Russian Constitutional Court on Sunday ruled legal the treaties of annexation of Ukrainian territories signed Friday in the Kremlin by President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of the separatist and occupied regions of Ukraine.

The court “recognizes” the treaties signed between Moscow and the four Ukrainian territories of Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Lugansk as “in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation”, can we read in a document made public.

Zelensky claims Lyman is ‘completely rid’ of the Russian military

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that the town of Lyman, an important railway hub in the Donetsk region annexed by Moscow, was completely under the control of the Ukrainian army, the day after the announced withdrawal of Russian troops.

“As of 12:30 p.m. local time (09:30 GMT), Lyman is totally rid (of the Russian army). Thanks to our soldiers,” said the Ukrainian president in a video posted on social networks.

“The season of bad roads”: a risk of getting bogged down in the fall for Ukrainian troops

It is called the “Rasputitsa” in Ukraine, or “the season of bad roads”. And it poses a great danger to the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

While the rains are already falling in the Donbass, observers point to a risk of stagnation in the fall for the Ukrainian troops.

A new mass grave discovered by Ukrainian troops in liberated Kupyansk

While the news from the front is good for Ukraine, its troops go from stupefaction to stupor as they discover the ravages of the occupation in the territories they are liberating. Thus, on Saturday, the governor of the province of Kharkiv accused the Russians of having shot dead 24 people “including children and a pregnant woman” in Kupiansk while they were trying to flee the bombardments by car.

An investigation was immediately launched, further specified the Ukrainian leader.

With the resumption of Lyman, the Ukrainian counter-offensive continues to advance in the east of the country

Ukraine wakes up this Sunday after a particularly beneficial day for its troops. These have thus taken Lyman from the Russians in the east of the country. News welcomed by Volodymyr Zelensky in the evening, who promised other victories and warned Vladimir Putin.

“Until all of you solve the problem of who started it all, who started this senseless war against Ukraine, you will be killed one by one, becoming scapegoats, because you do not admit that this war is a historic mistake for Russia,” he said in remarks.

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