LIVE What if it wasn’t Cazeneuve or Bertrand… But Thierry Beaudet?

by time news

2024-09-02 10:21:05

What if it wasn’t Cazeneuve or Bertrand… But Thierry Beaudet?

Emmanuel Macron accepted Bernard Cazeneuve on Monday morning, before Xavier Bertrand in the afternoon, but his party did not rule out that a third person could finally be chosen to become Prime Minister in a schedule considered impossible to govern.

On Monday morning, the name of the president of the Economic, Social and Environment Council, Thierry Beaudet, former corporate manager, began to circulate if the mayor chose a less political profile.

No new Prime Minister today?

Bernard Cazneuve, François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, Xavier Bertrand… Emmanuel Macron does not stop consulting. The President of the Republic often tries to find a Prime Minister that many representatives do not immediately notice.

And you still seem to have trouble making your choice. When in doubt, he decided to consult, this Monday afternoon, the leaders of Renaissance, his group. According to LCI etc BFM.

After Cazeneuve, it’s François Hollande’s turn to meet the mayor

It is the time of François Hollande. After meeting the former Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron is now speaking with his predecessor at the Elysée.

Meanwhile, Nicole Belloubet is “on duty” for the start of the school year

“We are waiting for the appointment of a new government,” but “I have been at my job for several days to prepare for the beginning of the school year,” the Minister of National Education who submitted said on France Inter. “We must accept our 12 million students. It is something that is impossible, so we are here,” stressed Nicole Belloubet.

I agree

Gabriel Attal promises to “finish his job”

The outgoing prime minister promised Monday to “finish (his work)” in Matignon and to continue to protect education, the “mother of wars”, in his future works.

“When I submit my resignation” was accepted on July 16 by the President of the Republic, “I am clear in the fact that I have the understanding of the Country, the responsibilities and that as long as this If necessary , I will be there,” said Gabriel Attal on the side of a trip to Hauts-de-Seine for the start of the school year.

“The government is managing the current affairs but the work is not far from stopping,” said the outgoing head of government, acknowledging that “our country is going through an unprecedented political situation”. “It is the President of the Republic who chooses the Prime Minister” who takes into account “the results of the elections, the situation in the Parliament, many things,” he recalled.

More than 150,000 signatures for the release of Emmanuel Macron

154.452. This is the number of signatures received by La France Insoumise which is posted online appeal to call for the removal of the President of the Republic.

Cazeneuve left the Elysée and kissed Macron

Arriving at 8:45 am, the former Socialist President left the Palace an hour and fifteen minutes later, being escorted to the door by the Head of State who kissed him before rushing into the car soak. The two men knew each other well and maintained relations of trust at the beginning of the presidency of François Hollande.

Faure thought he had not been contacted by Cazeneuve

The leader of the Socialists Olivier Faure was surprised on Monday that Bernard Cazeneuve, the former Socialist president whose name is mentioned by Matignon, and who is meeting the President of the Republic this morning, did not try to contact him.

“It is not bad, it will not be stupid”, that Bernard Cazeneuve called him before going to the Elysée, judged on BFMTV and RMC First Secretary of the PS. “I do not know in which name Bernard Cazeneuve will speak with the head of state,” he added.

“How is it possible that you said + because I am a person of the left, I can become the Prime Minister because of our first Popular Front on July 7 +? “, he asked. “And yet, you’re not seeking support from the Elite Front. So it’s absurd,” he continued.

Bernard Cazeneuve arrives at the Elysée

Bernard Cazeneuve arrived at the Elysée at 8:45 am. The former socialist prime minister is ready to return to Matignon even if he has not done anything almost two months after the legislative elections which led to the National Assembly without a majority.

“Bernard Cazeneuve did not ask but if he did he would be out of a job and to avoid additional problems in the country,” his colleagues explained on Sunday.

Minister of the Interior during the attacks of 2015, then Prime Minister in the last months of the five-year term of François Hollande, Bernard Cazeneuve, 61, leaves the PS in 2022, against the alliance with the LFI between the New Union popular environmental and society (Nupes). Although he may have the support of the center and part of the right, he is not supported by any of the left parties, even if his arrival in Matignon could divide the socialists.

Back to school before a name for Matignon?

This Monday is the start of the school year. According to his colleagues, the mayor should let this important time pass for many families before announcing the name of the next President. So the selection can only take place on Tuesday.

Ask for the final negotiation plan

Former socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and LR President of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand will be received this Monday by Emmanuel Macron. It is Bernard Cazeneuve who will open the ball at 8:45 am, after many days of observation that seems to place him as the favorite. His decision to Matignon is “possible but not certain”, however, put a source close to Emmanuel Macron into perspective.

The president will meet with his predecessors François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. Cantor of the social right, Xavier Bertrand expected in the Elysée in the afternoon.

Welcome to this new Live

Hello everyone. Barring any last minute surprises, and there have been some since the second round of legislative elections on July 7, the name of the new Prime Minister should be known this week. Indeed Emmanuel Macron will receive Bernard Cazeneuve, Xavier Bertrand, François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy this Monday for final negotiations. The names of the first two are often mentioned to take the place of Gabriel Attal. But the white smoke above Matignon will not mean the end of the current political puzzle, because the National Assembly is divided into three opposition blocs.

#LIVE #wasnt #Cazeneuve #Bertrand.. #Thierry #Beaudet

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