Livestock producers receive multi-risk livestock insurance

by time news

To support and strengthen the livestock production of the Mexican entity, the Government of the State of Mexico, through the Secretariat of the Countryside, delivered Certificates of the Multi-Risk Livestock Insurance, which protects the infrastructure and the heads of cattle, sheep, goats, as well as such as the hives of Mexican producers grouped in Livestock Production Units.

With this, the State of Mexico is the first entity in the country to have protection of this type, which reaffirms the commitment that Governor Alfredo Del Mazo has given to agricultural activity, through various supports that seek to increase competitiveness and production of the Mexican field, said Leticia Mejía García, secretary of the Field, when delivering these records to producers in the south of the state.

Accompanied by the municipal president of Zacualpan, Beatriz Pérez Vázquez, as well as the federal deputy Jazmín Jaimes Albarrán, Mejía García highlighted that, for this year, the government of the entity established an insurance with the Insurance Fund of the National Confederation of Organizations Livestock, to protect cattle against diseases due to death, forced slaughter and damage to infrastructure, as well as in apiaries, for the benefit of producers affiliated to this fund.

Where to sign up?

The Farm Secretary recalled that those producers who are not yet enrolled in this insurance, can go to the windows of the different livestock associations that exist in the entity in order to guide them on the requirements to be able to join the list of beneficiaries.

During this work tour, he supervised the San Antonio Amealco community, where the rehabilitation of an irrigation dam is being carried out, as well as the construction of crop roads that allow improving productive activities in the field.

In addition, in the community of Piedra Parada, doses of bovine semen were delivered, family units of honey production, as well as credentials to livestock producers and mezcaleros, and an Agreement was signed with the City Council for the Coordination of Agricultural Health for the operation of the Clean Field Program.

Program objective

Through this program, the proper use and management of agrochemicals is promoted, in order to reduce the negative effects on the health of producers.

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