Livret A, revaluation of the minimum wage … What changes on August 1, 2022

by time news
The rate of remuneration of the Livret A passes to 2% on August 1st. Philippe Devanne /

In August, a series of measures aimed at fighting inflation become effective, such as the increase in the minimum wage.

Rate of pay for the booklet A at 2%, minimum wage at 1,329 euros net monthly or even the end of the state of health emergency: this is what changes from August 1.

The minimum wage goes to 1329 euros net monthly

A new automatic revaluation of the Smic of 2.01% takes place from August 1st. The net hourly minimum wage will therefore increase from 8.58 euros to 8.76 euros and for a full-time worker, the net monthly minimum wage will increase from 1302.64 euros to 1329.06 euros. This is the fourth revaluation of the minimum wage in less than a year, the last dating back to May 1, 2022.

The booklet A climbs to its highest level since 2011

The rate of remuneration of the Livret A passes to 2% on August 1, in accordance with the recommendations of the Governor of the Banque de France. The passbook rate reached its highest level since 2011: it was then 2.5% before falling to reach the historically low rate of 0.5% between 2019 and 2021. This new rate will not, however, compensate for the inflation, measured by INSEE at 5.8% over one year in France in June.

The popular savings account rate (LEP) goes from 2.2% to 4.6%. In addition, a new campaign of the general direction of public finances will be launched soon to inform directly by email the French who can benefit from the opening of a popular savings account, announces the government site.

+3.5% on the pay slip of civil servants

The salary of the 5.7 million civil servants increased by 3.5% on July 1, in accordance with announcements by the Ministry of Transformation and the Civil Service. This increase in the index point will be visible on the payslip for the month of August while being retroactive for the month which has just ended.

Effective revaluation of social minima

The National Assembly voted a few days ago for the revaluation of many social benefits by 4% on July 1, here too, retroactively, during the examination at first reading of the bill on purchasing power. . A modification that will have to be confirmed in Parliament. Retirement pensions should also increase by the same amount, this modification having been voted by the deputies. This measure allows a pensioner receiving a pension of 1200 euros per month to earn “about 45 euros per month if we take into account inflation at 4%“Said Olivier Dussopt on RTL at the end of May.

Payment of the back-to-school allowance

As every year, the back-to-school allowance will be paid during the second half of August. This year, the amount of aid is 376.98 euros for children between 6 and 10 years old, 397.78 euros for children between 11 and 14 years old and 411.56 euros for children between 15 and 18 years old.

Fuels: extension of the discount from 15 to 18 cents per liter

A decree published in the Official Journal of July 24 extends until August 31, 2022 the discount of 15 to 18 centimes per liter on the price of fuel. Introduced on April 1, 2022, it aims to contain the impact of soaring fuel prices at the pump. With VAT, this reduction reaches 18 cents in mainland France, or 9 euros for a full 50 litres. This reduction applies to all fuels, for individuals and professionals alike.

End of the state of health emergency and dissolution of the Scientific Council

In addition, August 2022 marks the end of the state of health emergency, as confirmed by Parliament a few days ago. The health pass therefore disappears, as do the other exceptional measures introduced during the fight against covid-19. The Scientific Council is also bowing out. Created in mid-March 2020 at the start of the epidemic, it will have organized, in two years, nearly 300 meetings and issued more than 80 opinions.

The Scientific Council issued a final opinion published on July 19 where it makes recommendations and hypotheses on possible scenarios in the future. It encourages continued screening and a vaccination policy via reminders. After this dissolution, acommittee for monitoring and anticipating health risks“, should take the continuation.

SEE ALSO – The Governor of the Banque de France announces a new rise in the Livret A rate on August 1

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