Llados, the influencer who ‘hates’ mileuristas and helps you become a millionaire

by time news

2023-11-21 08:06:15

Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 00:40 | Updated 07:06h.


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When you get out of bed and realize that you have no purpose in life, it doesn’t matter whether you earn 80,000 or 30,000 or 50,000 euros a day. For ordinary mortals it is difficult to imagine such a discouraging panorama, so we will have to believe Amadeo Llados, known on the networks as Lladós. This ‘influencer’ announced last week that he was leaving social networks precisely for that reason, because “he was no longer hungry, he no longer had a purpose.” However, both those who follow him in the hope of replicating his supposed success and those who make fun of his videos can rest assured, the downturn has only lasted a couple of days. Yesterday he posted a video again on his YouTube channel of him doing what he does best (and it works for him): bragging about his lifestyle and messing with the mileuristas. “When the bill arrives you can act like a mileurista and split it or be a man and pay it,” he says while he and his companions look through the menu of a luxury restaurant.

With him, there is no room for indifference. He doesn’t even look for it. Quite the opposite. He is one of those ‘influencers’ who are delighted to meet each other and eager to generate controversy to become better known. Happy that ‘the croissant video’ and its eloquent social analysis went viral: «I enter the bar, look to the left, ‘fucking’ croissant. I look to the right, ‘fucking’ bread and jam with coffee. I look to the left, belly. On the right, belly. Mileurista, mileurista. He himself recognizes that this marked a before and after and assures that his monthly income went from 250,000 euros per month to 500,000.

In reality, all their videos on social networks are very similar to that one, and they repeatedly repeat the same mantra; If you are fat and poor it is because you want to. And to be more convincing, he tells us this in a scenario in which the mansion is never missing (he even inserts signs that specify that it costs 20 million), his Lamborghinis, some of his high-end watches, the yacht and women (including his own, Puchi) that respond to an aesthetic canon so determined and adjusted to what he himself looks like and what he shows in exactly the same way that he shows off his house, car, watch or yacht. In theory, with these videos he wants to motivate us to “escape the system” (“if you don’t have the life you want, machines, it’s because you don’t know how the world works”) and become our guide both to transform our body and to become millionaires. .

Amadeo Lladós boasts watches, mansions and super luxury cars.

Millionaires doing what? Well, acting as a ‘coach’ for others so that they in turn be a ‘coach’ for others and so on to infinity or until there are no more people willing to pay for his self-made guru advice. Well, here to be honest we must explain that Lladós recognizes that all the ideas are his. Recently on the podcast ‘I have a Plan’ by Sergio Beguería and Juan Domínguez he explained that sometimes he felt that “ideas from minds that are no longer here, that are still in the universe and connect with you” were coming to his head. He was referring to “geniuses” like Thomas Edison, whose mind “is still out there” and, of course, if he wants to communicate something, “who is he going to do it to? To a drug addict who earns a thousand euros a month or to me who knows that I am aligned and do not fail and that I will be able to communicate all this to the entire world? Seen this way, when in doubt it is understandable that Edison prefers an enlightened person.

And seen this way it is also understandable that being his disciple is not cheap. Accessing their “motivational coach” services costs one hundred euros if one session is enough or 3,000 if we want to attend one of their seminars, although we can also pay 2,500 to have the VIP card on their YouTube channel. In any case, the key is to follow their example. Assuming it is true, because there is no shortage of Internet users who have spent their time dismantling the story. He says that he comes from a humble family in Tres Cantos and that one day he went to Los Angeles where he shared a hostel room with 16 people and worked washing dishes until he discovered bodybuilding.

The first million

That was his epiphany. He understood that through the transformation of his body he could transform everything else, he began to follow the advice of those who lived the way he wanted to do (“if you want to make money you cannot follow the example of a business administration professor, who has not generated it.” in his life”) and, most importantly, he launched into sharing his discovery. In 2016 he created the Tu1Millon “school” and, always according to his version, in 2018 he had already earned his first million. Those who strive to unmask him say that he was actually a father’s son who tried to succeed in motorcycling with his own team and that it was registered in a neighborhood of chalets in one of the municipalities with the highest income in Madrid.

In any case, whether to imitate him or to make fun of him, he has no shortage of followers. Proof of this is that Worten proposed that she star in his campaign for this ‘Black Friday’. Upon receiving the offer, he posted a video explaining that he had rejected it because promotions and discounts do not suit him. «The door is my mansion is bigger than your ‘funcking’ excuses. All of you who are looking for a ‘black Friday’ are looking for cheap. Do you know how cheap it will give you? A shitty ‘fuking’ life. In Worten, far from feeling aggrieved, they changed their strategy and target audience. Instead of making an advertisement designed for those who consider Lladós a prescriber, they made a montage with his response and thus gain those followers who take him for a character.

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#Llados #influencer #hates #mileuristas #helps #millionaire

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