LN+. Fernández Díaz’s analysis: “It is true that there are many people who do not see it”

by times news cr

Journalist Jorge Fernandez Diaz was interviewed by Jose Del Rio on the return of Business community in LN+ and explained what the president’s failures were Javier Milei who forced him toto reset” his government just 70 days after taking office: “It was in a dead end.” The political analyst highlighted the call for a national pact in May by the head of state in the speech that began the ordinary sessions of Congress as a positive point to reconfigure the relationship with those with whom he quarreled.

I think what the President did in the speech is very interesting. when describing a model of backwardness and destruction that no longer exists in Argentina or should no longer exist,” he said, and continued: “I greatly appreciate that it is illuminating the great kiosks of this State that is supposedly present, but absent.”

In that sense, he went deeper: “There is a plane in which the President tries to reset his government 70 days after taking office. Reconfigure it. Because what didn’t work is political praxis. They sent a giant package that was unstable as it was [el DNU y la ley ómnibus], but they responded that it is not done that way, that due to parliamentary technique it was done differently and that is why it failed. He also wanted to establish a kind of parliamentary alliance and it failed. He wanted to have the governors of Together for Change close and failed. I’ve never seen anything like that. He wanted to teach the Chubut man a lesson and a handsome man emerged [por Ignacio Torres]”.

In the same way, the journalist who is presenting his most recent novel “Cora” insisted that Milei’s main conflict lies there: that He doesn’t like doing politics. “The President is bored with politics, he likes the economy and speech. The other seems boring and dirty. Here is the conflict of a part of society that voted against politics, and antipolitics.”

“That was wrong,” he recalled. And he continued: “When the IMF came and the investors said that everything was fine, but they asked for political viability. Sustain the adjustment over time, and make reforms through politics. There are people who believe that they can be done without politics, but we are in a democracy“You have to negotiate things and that’s what didn’t work in these 70 days.”

Along the same lines, Fernández Díaz considered that faced with a dead end, Milei managed to find an escape through the call for the “May Pact” in Córdoba, dated the 25th of that month. “He took a turn. He does it with derogatory rhetoric, but in essence it is about reaching an agreement. Otherwise I was going to speed into a wall in a dead end… but he opened a door. “It’s positive,” said the columnist.

On the other hand, José Del Rio asked him about the narrative discourse of the Milei government, centered on slogans such as “they don’t see it” or “the caste.” Fernández Díaz agreed that A part of society “does not see the problems that a statist State caused like that of the Kirchnerist governments”, but he made a point that worries him. “There was a political party that colonized the minds of Argentines. It’s true that there are many people who don’t see it.”the writer explained and clarified: “But it’s a trick”.

“In the same way that if I criticize him it is because I am ‘overbearing’, or that the entire political class is the caste. They are all simplifications,” he said and analyzed: “I am personally concerned about the degree of populism in the blood that libertarians have. The central manifesto of the new International right, to which the Government ascribes, is a right with a manifesto that says ‘right-wing populism’“, copying the same resources from the left: a messianic leadership, the people against the caste, and with a high level of aggressiveness.”

Conversations - Jorge Fernández Díaz
Conversations – Jorge Fernández Díaz

The journalist considered that with that in mind, Milei has similarities to the figure of Cristina Kirchner and that, therefore, she should be criticized and marked when she goes overboard with her sayings or actions. “It worries me because I am a miserable Republican who criticized Cristina for these policies and I cannot put my face and walk away… because we went from faking dementia to faking amnesia”.

“It’s part of the act, they are building an epic, they do it well, but be careful about creating a new friend-enemy policy. We have criticized it. Let’s imagine that Cristina said that Congress is a nest of rats… a scandal. Why don’t we make the scandal now? There are those of us who are going to continue doing it, because it is good for democracy to tell the President where he is going too far, such as naming journalists by name and surname. There are things that are unnecessary,” he stressed.

Beyond this aspect that should be paid attention to, according to Fernández Díaz, the journalist himself highlighted that “lArgentina was a listing ship that was going south to be shipwrecked and Milei turned it north. It remains to be seen if he has the experience and the wrist to handle it or it will cause riots and fights among the crew members.”

Finally, he assessed that with almost three months of experience, the Executive Branch “now has a political plan that it did not have 70 days ago.” “I don’t know if that is a merit or a demerit. It is a pact based on points that would really change Argentina. A labor reform is necessary, but we will see how it ends, if it is a decalogue of good intentions or if it is possible to carry it out. I get the impression that he says ‘I threw the change at you, but you didn’t want to’, because he thinks that he has already remained in history with the changes he proposed, but it is important to remain in history for a possible realization of things.”

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