local government eliminates the concept of gender identity

by time news

2023-12-23 00:24:11

The Assembly of the Spanish autonomous community of Madrid approved this Friday the modification of the LGTBi laws in its area, in accordance with an electoral commitment by the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, with which the concept of “gender identity” is eliminated. .

It is also added psychological support for minors in gender change processes. Thanks to the absolute majority of Ayuso’s party, the PP, and with the support of the far-right party Vox, this new text came forward in the last plenary session of the year, which closes the session period with this controversial modification.

It was rejected by the Más Madrid and PSOE parties, LGTBI associations, and even the Ministry of Equality, which has already announced that it will study “measures” if they collide with the national standard.

Specific, The reform modifies aspects of the Law on Identity and Expression of Gender and Social Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Community of Madrid in 2016, approved during the mandate of the then popular leader Cristina Cifuentes, in which the PP abstained.

Among other changes, the concept of “gender identity” is eliminated to talk about “sexual condition or expression” and the reversal of the burden of proof is erased (an obligation of the legal system by which the person reporting must prove the non-compliance with the law) or the possibility of discrimination being committed “by mistake”, considering that it could violate the presumption of innocence.

Thus, in the modifications to the Trans Regional Law, the right defends that these changes seek to guarantee their “psychological support in a transparent and clear manner”, by the appropriate professionals.

A flag of the LGBTI community during the Pride March, last July in Madrid. Photo: AFP

Besides, educational articles are eliminated to promote non-discrimination or the recognition of freely expressed gender identity, and contemplates, among other matters, the requirement that a pediatrician perform an examination prior to the transition treatment of a minor.

Spain is considered one of the safest countries for the LGTBi population and last February the national Trans Law was approved, which gave greater coverage and protection to this vulnerable and discriminated population throughout the world.

“Hands stained with blood”

After the approval of the modifications in the regional norm, LGTBi associations and groups, which have demonstrated in recent weeks and followed the debate from the guest gallery of the Chamber, showed their hands with red gloves, symbolizing that the ruling Popular Party has “hands stained with blood.”

At the beginning of the day, fifty people, members of LGTBI unions and associations, went to the entrance of the Chamber to protest against these modifications approved on the same day as the 2024 Budget and the modification of 15 regulatory texts that affect the Madrid Radio Television Law, the Chamber of Accounts and the Transparency Council, harshly criticized by the opposition.

The debate was followed by members of those organizations from the guest balconies in the legislature. They warn that they will mobilize against the changes.

With agency information

#local #government #eliminates #concept #gender #identity

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