Local governments are committed to attracting new talent

by time news

The public administration needs the best professional profiles to face the transformation that will live for years to come. For this reason, the Barcelona Provincial Council works so that talented people can fill jobs in local governments in the province.

Today, more than 90% of local government workers are over the age of 41, and for every 10 people over the age of 55, there are only three under the age of 35. With this, in the next decade more than 27% of public employees will have retired. To respond to this worrying situation, the Provincial Council works to motivate university students with skills and knowledge so that they perceive local administration as a professional opportunity to take into account.

and he wants to do it promoting communication, organizing specific events, promoting paid internships in local governments and making changes in the selection processes, among other actions.

Support to municipalities

The Barcelona Provincial Council not only strives to recruit new management talentbut it will also help town councils with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants to carry out their selection processes.

In this sense, the Area of ​​Innovation, Local Governments and Territorial Cohesion of the Diputación will assume the management of the processes of those municipalities that so wish. The objective is to counteract the lack of technical means suffered by these administrations, ensure the necessary efficiency and effectiveness and guarantee the optimization of public resources.

This future permanent line of personnel selection for the local governments of the province of Barcelona has begun this 2022 with the processes for the temporary occupancy stabilization. In this sense, the Provincial Council has carried out various actions to support local governments, among which the analysis of temporality, the design of the stabilization plan and legal advice on human resources stand out. This process has involved the review of 3,000 personnel files and a proposal for 868 positions to be stabilized for more than 60 municipalities, coinciding with those with less technical structure or with those with fewer inhabitants.

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On the other hand, a new support promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council adds to the work that is already being carried out in collaboration with the town councils, through the county councils. It is the support and assistance of technical staff for courts and bodies in selection processesas well as the design and elaboration of the bases of these processes. This action is focused on engineering and architecture profiles.

More information at: www.diba.cat/web/assistenciagovernlocal/captacio-de-talent

Commitment to the SDGs

The Barcelona Provincial Council works to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and deploys its action to support local governments in the province, in accordance with these SDGs, which were proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015 and are part of the Global Agenda for 2030.

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