Local representatives are calling for a “clear signal” for more housing construction before the construction summit

by time news

2023-09-24 04:14:10

Ahead of the construction summit planned for Monday in the Federal Chancellery, the Association of Cities and Municipalities (DStGB) called for a “clear signal” to accelerate housing construction. DStGB managing director Gerd Landsberg told “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS) about the necessary measures: “Accelerate planning and approval procedures for housing construction, limit construction costs and further strengthen investments in housing construction.” SPD leader Lars Klingbeil pushed for better building support for young families.

DStGB boss Landsberg said that the construction of affordable housing will only succeed if the federal and state governments provide significantly more funds. Tax relief would have to apply to both new construction and the renovation of existing living space. In addition, the federal government must increase funding for social housing promotion to “at least five billion euros per year” in the long term.

SPD leader Klingbeil called for better support for families when buying houses. “I think we need to help families more to be able to afford their own four walls,” said Klingbeil in the “BamS” interview. Among other things, the income limits for low-interest building loans would have to be raised in order to give more families access to them.

Published/Updated: Recommendations: 5 A comment from Heike Göbel Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 56 Published/Updated: Recommendations: 60

In addition, according to Klingbeil’s ideas, families who buy older properties and renovate them should be financially supported. State funding programs would have to be made available for this.

Construction industry calls for aid package

Representatives of the construction industry and the industry union IG Bau had previously called for massive aid for housing construction. The Construction-Agrar-Environment industrial union reiterated its call for a 50 billion euro economic stimulus program for housing construction. “Especially recently, economic stimulus programs have been launched quite successfully. “It’s about time again,” said chairman Robert Feiger of “Bild am Sonntag”.

High interest rates and sharply increased costs had stalled the construction engine in recent months. Affordable housing is difficult to find in many places.

“Housing construction is threatened with disaster,” said Feiger. “The traffic light’s goal of building 400,000 apartments a year is missed year after year. The number of creations is getting lower and lower – even as the number of inhabitants increases.”

The Federal Chancellery has invited people to the Affordable Housing Alliance Day on Monday. Federal Construction Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) launched the format in spring 2022. Among other things, it should work on achieving the stated goal of 400,000 new apartments per year. However, mainly due to increased construction costs and interest rates, the construction industry is in crisis and the goal set is a long way off.

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