Logistics in eCommerce: what to expect for 2023?

by time news

We know that the logistics It is central to the development of the economy in general and, particularly, to the sector of the electronic commercebeing the main managers of the distribution of each product sold in an online store.

The role that logistics operators play, being key players for the industry, became evident in 2020 with the pandemic, which marked a before and after in consumer habits.

And where does this position us today?

In logistics we face the enormous challenge of reaching every corner of the country, of boosting sales of both large companies and entrepreneurs and SMEs, of providing unique and unforgettable experiences for our clients’ users. While the brands strive to reach more buyers from their online store.

from our place How can we boost the sector? Positioning ourselves as the support that companies need to guarantee customer satisfaction. That is why it is necessary to be updated and adapt to the demands of the market and incorporate services and technology, having permanent innovation as our north.

What are the main trends and challenges for logistics in 2023?

1) The economic context and purchasing decisions

The current economic context plays a crucial role in logistics for eCommerce. According to the latest Cyber ​​Monday 2022 earnings report, the product mix and purchasing decisions are changing. These are increasingly planned, which directly affects the planning of operations

What can we expect from 2023? What stands out is that a different mix of products consumed through online channels is coming, and therefore we will have to move another type of parcel

And what does this imply? To adapt to the new trends, it will be necessary to plan carefully, adapting the transport conditions to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics.

2) Sustainability in logistics for electronic commerce

Sustainability is an issue that is becoming increasingly relevant on the agenda of brands and consumers. Changes in customer consumption habits are also influencing eCommerce logistics. Brands are taking steps to be more sustainable and customers are demanding more environmentally friendly solutions.

What contribution can be made from logistics? In order to reduce the environmental impact, the measurement of the carbon footprint, the recycling of plastics, attention to the waste that can be generated, mainly in packaging, are central. All these are some of the critical variables that must be considered when putting together a sustainable plan.

3) The importance of listening to customers

Customers are the heart and soul of eCommerce, and their needs are the basis of all logistics operations. Today, customers are more empowered and have more information and choice than ever before.

Do you want to know how to put the customer in the center? It is essential to listen to them and provide feedback on all processes based on their expectations. Logistics for eCommerce revolves around the increasingly challenging needs of the new consumer, so it is important to be attentive to their demands and respond to their needs efficiently and effectively.


Logistics for eCommerce is a key element for the success of digital businesses. The change in consumer habits has shown the importance of logistics in people’s lives and the need to be prepared for the new market demands. In 2023, changes in the volume of products transported and a greater importance of sustainability in logistics are expected. Being attentive to customer needs is essential in order to stay one step ahead and continue to deliver experiences that stand out to shoppers. Logistics for eCommerce is a crucial element for the success of a business and customer satisfaction.

Director of the CACE Logistics Commission

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