Lombardy is among the most affected regions

by time news

2023-09-07 17:06:00

Dengue cases do not stop in Italy and in particular in Lombardy. To date, calculates the Higher Institute of Health, “there are 10 confirmed and transmitted locally in Italy as of 4 September 2023”. “These cases refer to three unconnected transmission episodes in the province of Lodi, 7 confirmed cases, in the province of Rome, where there was one case, and in the province of Latina (2 cases). All cases have recovered or are improving. From the beginning of the year to September 5, 122 cases of Dengue diagnosed in Italy but contracted in other countries were also notified.”

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“The situation described is in line with what is expected this season, considering the increase in international travel, after the Covid emergency – highlights the ISS – and the climatic conditions favorable to the proliferation of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, the so-called tiger mosquito, which can transmit the Dengue virus. In all cases, disinfestation measures against mosquitoes have been implemented and, in the areas where local transmission has occurred, all the preventive measures required to protect transplants and transfusions have been activated. In 2023 “In addition to Italy, outbreaks of native Dengue have been reported in France. In past years – concludes the ISS – outbreaks of this type have been confirmed in several European countries including Croatia, France, Spain and Italy”.

#Lombardy #among #affected #regions

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