Lombardy, the councilor for the budget Davide Caparini is positive at Covid. “The discussion on health care reform goes on”

by time news

The Lombard councilor for the budget Davide Caparini, is positive at Covid. The 54-year-old Northern League politician from Brescia was confirmed to be positive on Saturday 27 November, after having performed a molecular test, but already the day before he had placed himself in quarantine, alerting those who had been close to him and the Region.

Caparini is asymptomatic and does not appear to have been in close contact with the President of the Region Attilio Fontana who therefore will not go into isolation.
Not even a stop to the examination of the revision of the health law. On Monday morning the Lombard assembly will meet again to start the vote on amendments, which are almost two thousand.

On Tuesday, however, at the Pirellone all directors and staff will be able to undergo the molecular buffer. A precaution due to the fact that since 10 November the Regional Council has been convened every day to discuss the health reform and Caparini was one of the councilors most present in the Chamber during the debate.

To make known the positivity of a councilor was, on the afternoon of Sunday 28 November, the councilor of + Europe Michele Usuelli. “This morning in our internal chats is news of the positivization of an important councilor of the Lombard junta. The close contacts in the last few hours should be put in quarantine ”, said Usuelli asking for explanations on the continuation of the works.

“In accordance with the control room, we have organized for Tuesday from 9 am the possibility for each regional councilor and for those who worked in this Chamber to carry out a molecular test on a voluntary basis, here in the Regional Council “, replied the president of the Regional Council Alessandro Fermi. “We will do a screening that I hope will be extensive, tomorrow you will receive an email with instructions. Compared to the councilor’s contacts – explained Fermi – there is a protocol which will be followed. There is no reason not to be in the Chamber tomorrow ”.

Caparini is not the first Covid case in the buildings of the Region. TO February 2020, during the first wave, a collaborator di Fontana was infected forcing the governor to go into solitary confinement a Lombardy Palace. In March the councilor for economic development (now at the House) was hit by the virus in serious form, Alessandro Mattinzoli: the exponent of Fi ended up hospitalized in intensive care in Brescia, spending the first two days in a pharmacological coma.

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