London takes on the European Court of Human Rights

by time news

Dhe British government is openly turning against the judges in Strasbourg after objections by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) against its controversial migration policy. “The opaque workings of this court are absolutely scandalous,” Home Secretary Priti Patel told the Daily Telegraph. Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the intervention of the human rights court as “strange” and was convinced of the legality of his policy.

London is now considering breaking away from the European Convention on Human Rights.

This week, the British government wanted to bring asylum seekers who had come to Britain illegally to Rwanda for the first time. To this end, London has signed an agreement with the government in Kigali. People in the East African country are to be housed for money to deter other people from trying to cross the English Channel to Great Britain. Human rights activists, churches and the UN sharply criticized this approach.

Johnson is under a lot of pressure

130 asylum seekers were originally supposed to be on board the flight late Tuesday night, but the number has been dwindling following a series of legal challenges over human rights concerns. Only a handful of migrants could have flown out of London on Tuesday. These deportations were finally stopped by the intervention of the Strasbourg ECtHR.

The judges ruled that the British judiciary must examine in detail the legality of the deportations. This test was already scheduled for July. Until then, no migrants could be brought to Rwanda, the ECtHR said.

Home Secretary Patel described the decision as “politically motivated”. Her government was also not informed of the identity of the responsible ECtHR judges and the full decision of the court was not initially sent. “No court in this country has said that the measure is illegal,” Prime Minister Johnson told journalists on Saturday. But then there was this “strange” decision from Strasbourg. “We’ll see where that leads.” In any case, he would continue his policy.

The portrayal that the European court’s decision has a political dimension fits into London’s narrative of a threat to British sovereignty from European institutions. However, the ECtHR is not part of the European Union, from which Great Britain has left. The Court is the Council of Europe’s judicial body and oversees compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights, which Britain co-authored in 1950.

Johnson is under political pressure from a record number of refugees arriving. During the election campaign, he had announced a much stricter immigration policy after Brexit. His government is now considering revising Britain’s human rights law to make deportations easier. This law is based on the European Convention on Human Rights.

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