Long-Awaited First Meeting of Housing Cabinet Finally Scheduled

by time news

Half a year after the government was established and five months after the decision to create the Ministerial Committee on Housing Affairs, the first meeting of the “Housing Cabinet” is expected to take place soon. The Minister of Construction and Housing, Yitzhak Goldknopf, who is also the committee’s chairman, revealed that the first meeting will be held on Tuesday. Efforts are being made to advance this soon.

Do you want to know what will happen in the housing market? There is an alarming figure hidden in the reports. Additionally, a new ruling specifies the amount of tax that will be paid on an apartment with building rights.

The coalition agreements between the Likud faction and the Torah Judaism faction, signed in December 2022 in preparation for the government formation, included section 175, which called for the establishment of a “Ministerial Committee for Real Estate and Housing.” This committee, chaired by the Minister of Construction and Housing, was to include ministers from various departments. However, no specific date was given for its establishment.

In January 2023, the government decided to establish the housing cabinet. However, despite the emerging housing crisis, the committee has not been convened even once in the past five months. Several sections of the coalition agreements, including the development of a comprehensive plan to increase housing supply and lower prices, have not been fulfilled due to the committee’s lack of approval.

The powers of the housing cabinet were determined in the government’s decision, including policy determination in the housing field, approval and promotion of reforms, initiation and execution of residential construction projects, and formulation of solutions to barriers in infrastructure and environment coordination for housing projects. The committee will not deal with planning issues within the authority of the Minister of the Interior.

At the first meeting, the positions of the eight ministers who are members of the committee will be presented regarding the housing crisis and the current state of the market. Decisions will be made regarding the continuation of the committee’s activities and the necessary steps to address the crisis.

Half a year after the establishment of the government, and five months after it was decided to establish the Ministerial Committee on Housing Affairs, the “Housing Cabinet” – the first meeting is finally expected to take place in the near future: in the office of the Minister of Construction and Housing, Yitzhak Goldknopf, who is also the committee’s chairman, told Globes that the first meeting will take place this coming Tuesday. Yesterday (Thursday) the minister’s office stated that efforts are being made to advance this soon.

● Want to know what will happen in the housing market? The alarming figure that is hidden in the reports
● A new ruling states: how much tax will you pay on an apartment with building rights?

We will remind you that the coalition agreements between the Likud faction and the Torah Judaism faction, which were signed in preparation for the formation of the government at the end of December 2022, include section 175 which states that a “Ministerial Committee for Real Estate and Housing” should be established, chaired by the Minister of Construction and Housing, and which will include the Ministers of Finance, Interior, Transportation, Energy, education, environmental protection and the development of the periphery, the Negev and the Galilee. The agreements did not specify a date for its establishment.

At the end of January 2023, the government decided on the establishment of the housing cabinet, but despite the emerging housing crisis, the committee was not convened even once during the five months that have passed since then. Not only that: the coalition agreements included several sections that were allocated in time, including the preparation of a “comprehensive overall plan to increase the supply of apartments and lower housing prices” within a month of the formation of the government, and the definition of the marketing and planning goals of housing units for the next five years within three months – but these two steps did not have been completed to date, partly due to the fact that the housing cabinet has not yet met to approve them.

In the government’s decision on the establishment of the housing cabinet, its powers were also determined, and they include, among other things, the determination of government policy in the field of housing; Approval and promotion of reforms and structural changes to streamline government policy in the field of real estate, the initiation, planning and execution of residential construction; Promotion of diverse projects and models in the field of residential construction, including long-term rental housing, urban renewal projects, evacuation-construction, public housing, clearing land for housing purposes, and the like; Policy formulation, reforms and structural changes in the field of Israel Lands, including regarding the Israel Lands Authority; Forming solutions to barriers and coordination between the factors in the fields of infrastructure and environment, as far as housing projects are concerned.

It was also agreed that the committee will not deal with planning issues that are within the authority or scope of action of the Minister of the Interior – including announcements of preferred housing complexes – complexes that are promoted by the National Commission for the Planning and Construction of Preferred Housing Complexes. The monitoring of the implementation of the committee’s decisions will be entrusted to the CEO. To the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Yehuda Morgenstern.

What is expected at the first meeting?

According to the sign, the first cabinet meeting will deal mainly with the presentation of the positions of the various ministers who are members of it – eight in number – regarding the housing crisis and the state of the market today. At its conclusion, decisions will be made concerning the continuation of its activities and the steps it must take in order to deal with the emerging crisis.

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