“Long COVID” opens 6 reasons. Why is it after being infected with covids?

by time news

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, a virologist, posted on Facebook. Anan Jongkaewwattana mention “Long COVID” It’s an issue that has started to get more and more people interested, which is actually a research topic that has been studied for quite some time. What is clear is the adverse reactions. It can be found in some coronavirus patients who have completely cleared the virus from the body. But what is still unclear is what causes the symptoms. “Long COVID” That said, the main reasons that experts gathered are

1. Residual viral proteins in the patient’s body. Although the new virus particles may not have been added. But the leftover properties of the virus may result in something wrong if it accumulates in some cells or organs of the body.

2. Inflammation results from the tissues that the body tries to resist the multiplication of the virus during infection. Even if the virus is completely destroyed But the damage it causes may result in unwanted symptoms.

3. A phenomenon in which the body awakens a virus that is secretly in the body and causes damage to the body, such as a family virus. herpesviruses which normally hides quietly escape the destruction of the immune system But if the body has a stimulus such as stress, the virus can be awakened. “Long COVID” May be caused by these viruses as well.

4. The microbial system in the digestive tract or the Microbiome is disturbed, causing an imbalance of work. especially symptoms related to the digestive system

5. The work of the vascular system In particular, the blood coagulation mechanism is disturbed.

6. Adverse reactions caused by antibodies made by the body against various proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which may have unexpected byproducts, such as the possibility of binding to other proteins in our body that are similar in appearance to proteins. of the virus Then resulting in the immune system of our body to cause cells or tissues that contain those proteins to be damaged or destroyed, etc.

It can be seen that the mechanism of “Long COVID” There are many, and maybe more than what is known right now. Whoever is addicted and does not have these symptoms is considered very lucky. But if you get stuck again There is no information that has come out yet. Will it be as lucky as the first time? I still guess the virus is not right.


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