Long Covid, the symptoms: the eight most frequent manifestations that persist over time

by time news

The World Health Organization has decided to officially call it «post Covid-19 condition“: Is the condition of persistence of signs and symptoms that continue (or develop) beyond 12 weeks from the end of the acute phase of the disease. A syndrome of which little is yet known, because it takes time to collect enough data to draw conclusions and because there are two “obstacles” to complicate the work of researchers: first, the organs involved are different and the symptoms are many, not easy to treat. frame with confidence; second, different variants of the virus (such as Delta, Omicron) could have corresponding long-term consequences. But what exactly is it la sindrome Long Covid o Post Covid? How is it diagnosed? How to deal with respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological or other symptoms resulting from the coronavirus? Who is at greatest risk? How to heal? In the volume «Post Covid. What we need to know about the long-term consequences of the virus for body and mind “(by Sergio Harari with Vera Martinella, Solferino editions) you can find an initial assessment of what science has ascertained so far, a guide for people who continue to have ailments after infection, to help them understand and interpret symptoms. With special attention also to the psychological distress caused by the pandemic and to the problems of children and adolescents.

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