Loredana out of the “DSDS” jury soon? Spectators are scared

by time news

After Pietro Lombardi, Loredana jury ‍chairman is now shaking: the rapper will no longer be on “DSDS” next year. It‍ causes criticism.

Rapper Loredan Zefi ​is on ​the jury for “DSDS” this year. -RTL

The most​ important thing in a ‍nutshell

  • Loredana is on the jury for this year’s “DSDS” season.
  • But next year ‌it could be again – the rapper ‍is to be ⁣replaced.
  • The ‌proposed changes to the jury ‍are causing a stir online.

The future of Pietro​ Lombardi (32) in the RTL casting show is⁤ not the ⁢only one⁤ at stake. According to the latest reports, Loredana (29) will no longer be part of the jury⁣ next season. This has caused a lot of criticism.

The RTL broadcaster is said to be in intense negotiations with Ballermann singer Mia Julia (37). The former​ porn actress ​is said to replace the Swiss rapper as a judge on “DSDS”.

Loredana: Last appearance in ​the final?

So the grand⁣ finale could ​be live on November 9 ⁤as⁣ Loredana’s last⁢ appearance on the singing show. And ⁢with the departure of the ‍Lucerne woman, Beatrice Egli (36) would ⁢be the only Swiss​ woman ⁤left on the jury.

<img _ngcontent-serverapp-c1665444845=""‍ class="lazy" src="https://c.nau.ch/i/dz4XO4/680/

loredana dsds The jury: Beatrice Egli (left), Loredana, Pietro⁤ Lombardi and DSDS⁣ chief jury Dieter Bohlen during ‌the⁣ filming.⁤

Shortly before that there were⁤ reports that Pietro Lombardi ‍could leave the ‍DSDS. It was‌ said that the ⁣singer will no‍ longer⁣ be ‌sitting next​ to pop titan Dieter ⁢Bohlen (70) at the jury table next year. Rapper Bushido ⁢(46) is being discussed as his replacement.

Lombardi expressed⁢ his disappointment: “The DSDS is a matter close to my⁣ heart. Dieter and I have been doing everything for years to ensure ⁤the ‌success of the show,” ⁣he is reported to have said, according to “Der ‍Westen”.

Angry fans ⁢change jury: “Your⁢ downfall”

The 32-year-old is not alone in his disappointment. The jury’s⁤ proposed changes ⁢to “DSDS” have people shaking their‍ heads on Instagram.

«Mia Julia? It’s getting worse every⁢ year. “I don’t understand why the jury can’t be left as it is now,” someone criticized. Another even​ predicted: ​”Please​ don’t put Mia Julia ⁣on the jury, that will be ⁤your downfall.”

Loredana Rapper ⁢Loredana’s jury⁢ chair is to be⁣ filled.

Although some viewers complained ⁢about Loredana at ⁢first, it seems that the rapper is⁣ now very‌ welcome. There were some nice comments recently on a video of the 29-year-old and Dieter Bohlen.

“I’m honest. “I started⁣ watching DSDS again because of Loredana,” someone enthused. Another said: “I love ​her!” And​ yet another user found: “The best jury ever.”

Pietro Lombardi faced accusations

Lombardi’s potential “DSDS” departure is also causing a stir.

A viewer criticized ‍on Instagram: “Are you serious? Should Bushido ‍replace ⁤Pietro? I’d say Bushido’s list of crimes is longer…”

Do you see ‌“DSDS”?


⁤Yes,​ I‌ find it⁤ entertaining.


Yes, I⁢ find it entertaining.


No, the format‌ should be refreshed.


No, ⁣the format ​should be refreshed.

Pietro Lombardi was recently confronted with allegations⁤ of violence. These were prompted by a police operation at his own ‍home and that of his ‌fiancée.‌ However, in a subsequent interview, the⁤ singer‍ emphasized​ that he was not a ​wife beater. His girlfriend Laura Maria ​Rypa also denied that Pietro was violent towards her.

serverapp-c1665444845=””⁣ class=”picture image-wrapper” style=”padding-bottom: 50%;”>DSDS ⁤ ⁢ Loredana and Pietro Lombardi are to ‍be replaced next season. -RTL

It is not known if the serious allegations are ⁤related to his possible departure from the “DSDS”.​ However,⁢ after the police⁢ operation, many viewers asked him to throw ​it out.

There is currently no word on ‌Loredana’s alleged end in the ⁣casting show. The rumors about Pietro have not ⁣yet been officially confirmed.

More on the subject:

Pietro LombardiDieter BohlenBeatrice EgliCastingshowInstagramBushidoGewaltPornoRTLLoredanaDSDS

P> No,⁢ the‍ format should ​be refreshed.

As ‍the debate continues over the proposed jury ‌changes, fans await further news on the potential replacements and how these shifts will impact the show’s dynamic. Stay tuned for updates on⁢ the future ‍of “DSDS” and its jury lineup.

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