Los Despiertos by José Troncoso stands as one of the most uncomfortable “reflections” of our contemporary age.

by time news

The first thing that comes to me The Awakenedis to point out that it is a brilliant and monumental work on the interpretations of Alberto Berzal, Israel Frías and Luis Rallo; in the direction of José Troncoso, when it comes to telling us something that has been alluded to in numerous ways, but this time it has been treated with such sensitivity that the most productive thing is to focus on the consequences of the contradictions that have made it possible for individuals like Large, Medium, and Finite are plausible; etc.…

And just to tackle such a complex undertaking, jose troncoso displayed a clown repertoire in which it is clear to us that this discipline is not to make people laugh (remember, that this is the task to which comedians have been entrusted), but rather through referring to our daily reality from that vision so bizarre and cartoonish, anything in The Awakened he was susceptible to getting numerous readings from him in the political, philosophical or purely artistic sphere. It is curious how a clown play that promises to invite its viewers to rethink their own lives is more incisive and eloquent than many works that call themselves “political theatre.” Beginning because at no time does it raise the expectation that they have better solutions, because their characters or hide that their lives are adrift.

Photo: Paco Urena

Photo: Paco Urena

Behold, it enters, perfectly, the metaphor of three characters who shy away from giving meaning and meaning to their day to day, because it is not going to be that those “unresolved memories” (to call them in some way) that immobilize them so much return. So why not feel “relieved” to have a task to which to spend the time you have left. And best of all, it is repetitive like sweeping the streets every night. Exempting them from distinguishing today from what happened last month, to what will happen next year.

So, parameters like space-time are suspended in the world of The Awakened. Which is in tune with the fact that the spectators are playing with us, to the extent that we are waiting for the knot, or even the end, to make something more clear to us than what was revealed to us throughout the performance. of this piece. Or to put it another way: José Troncoso had the success and the great ability to offer us more information about who these three characters are and what they have experienced up to now, rather than developing for us a kind of “initiatory adventure” in which they ended up “redeemed”, or failing that, in a worse situation than the initial one (as a moral of XIX century fairy tales).

At this point, why do Large, Medium and Finite survive? Well, perhaps it is a question that all of us who have seen this wonderful work should ask ourselves. But of course, it seems most untimely to ask and answer it, being in a context in which we each have our work, personal goals, etc…; and no less important, a deep taboo to discuss the subject of suicide, and to a lesser degree, to talk openly about our corresponding states of mental health. Which leads me to say that Only the bravest viewers of Los Despiertos will be the ones who dare not distance themselves from these three picturesque characters.

Photo: Paco Urena

Photo: Paco Urena

There will be no shortage of those who have not understood anything about the work, to say that Large, Medium and Finite are pathetic, that they have allowed themselves to die or that they may deserve some of the things that have led them to such an uncertain circumstance. However, in this case, this would qualify as self-indulgence, since, what better way to escape from one’s own life than by systematizing it. In order that when one finds a reflection of his own life in the form of a metaphor, he strives to underestimate it as a defense mechanism.

Really, Let’s stop with slogans “good rollistas”, and let us understand once and for all, that living implies having the courage to try to have a dignified life. Not reproducing imaginaries where one’s suffering or that of our peers are a “rumor”, or something that happens to the most “unfortunate”, or worse, to those who are “alteriad”. Because our contemporary lives have much more to do with what is perceived in The Awakenedof what we would like to believe and confront (and in this I am not original, not even remotely).

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