Losing weight by walking is possible with this monthly plan

by time news

2023-09-20 18:00:21

The health benefits of walking are diverse. But can you also lose weight by walking? Keep reading and find out the answer.

Last update: September 20, 2023

The exercise of walking is sometimes underestimated. It is not supposed to be such a demanding activity, compared to running or lifting weights in a gym.

However, it involves a significant expenditure of energy that can generate changes and positively impact health. It is even considered possible to lose weight by walking and eating well. In this article we are going to explain a one-month plan to achieve this.

Can you lose weight by walking?

Of course. But for this to happen, It is essential that exercise is done regularly. Every day or almost every day and with a certain level of demand.

Second, weight loss will occur to the extent that caloric expenditure exceeds consumption. And how much do you burn walking? The amount of calories may vary depending on time, pace and weight.

A heavier person has to make greater effort to move their body. However, it is estimated that a brisk walk (6 kilometers per hour) can help burn between 300 and 400 calories in an hour.

One-month plan to lose weight by walking

To appreciate results, a certain consistency and regularity is necessary.. Therefore, we present this one-month plan to lose weight by walking, at variable speeds or rhythms.

In this sense, the moderate pace is a pace at which you can talk and walk, but without feeling short of breath. The fast pace, on the other hand, is when you notice your heart rate increasing and your breathing quickening.

On the other hand, two modalities are proposed for each day:

Beginners: those who do not train regularly. Advanced: those who are in the habit of exercising.

First week

Day 1
Beginners: 3 sets of 10 minutes at an easy pace (5 kph), with a rest of 2 to 3 minutes between each one.
Advanced: 15 minutes easy, 15 fast (6-7 kph) and 15 easy, all continuous.
Day 2
Beginners: 20 to 30 continuous minutes at a brisk pace (6-7 kph).
Advanced: 10 easy minutes to warm up, then do five sets alternating one easy minute and 4 quick ones, and ending with 5 easy ones.
Day 3
Beginners: 30 minutes at an easy pace.
Advanced: 20 easy minutes, 15 fast (6-7 kph) and 15 easy, all continuous.
Day 4
Both: active rest. Training sessions can be carried out for arms, legs and core for 30 minutes.
Day 5
Beginners: 30 minutes at an easy pace, plus a strengthening exercise; for example, strides.
Advanced: 15 minutes easy, 15 fast and 15 faster; finish with 5 soft.
Beginners: 2 sets of 20 to 30 minutes at an easy pace, with a 3-minute rest.
Advanced: 5 minutes easy, 5 moderate and 25 faster, 5 moderate, 5 easy.
Day 7
Both: 45 to 60 continuous minutes at an easy pace.

Second week

Day 8
Beginners: 3 sets of 15 minutes at an easy pace (5 kph), with a 2-minute rest between each one.
Advanced: 10 moderate minutes, 25 fast (6-7 kph), 10 moderate and 5 easy, all continuous.
Day 9
Beginners: 20 minutes at an easy pace, 20 minutes at a fast pace, 5 easy.
Advanced: 5 easy minutes to warm up, 35 with changes of pace (3 fast minutes, 2 easy) and 5 easy to finish.
10th day
Beginners: 35 minutes at an easy pace plus a strength exercise (squats).
Advanced: 10 at a moderate pace, 30 faster, 10 at a moderate pace and 5 easy to finish.
Day 11
Both: cross training. You can swim or bike for half an hour.
Day 12
Beginners: 35 minutes at an easy pace plus an exercise core (like irons).
Advanced: 5 easy minutes to warm up, 35 with changes of pace (3 fast minutes, 2 easy) and 5 easy to finish.
Day 13
Beginners: two sets of 30 minutes at an easy pace with a five-minute break.
Advanced: 5-10 gentle minutes to warm up; 30 minutes walking on a slope or treadmill with a 10-degree incline; It ends with 5 easy minutes.
Day 14
Both: 90 minutes at an easy pace.

Third week

Day 15
Beginners: four sets of 15 minutes at an easy pace with two-minute breaks between each one.
Advanced: 10 easy minutes, 15 fast, 10 moderate, 15 fast, ending with 5 easy minutes.
Day 16
Beginners: 30 minutes at a moderate pace, 30 minutes at an easy pace. Continuous.
Advanced: 10 moderate minutes, 40 with changes of pace (two and a half minutes easy, two and a half minutes fast), ending with 10 easy minutes.
Day 17
Beginners: 40 minutes at a moderate pace plus leg strength exercises.
Advanced: 10 minutes moderate, 15 fast, 10 moderate, 10 fast, 5 moderate, 5 slow.
Day 18
Both: active rest. You can train torso.
19th day
Beginners: 30 quick minutes plus exercises core.
Advanced: 20 minutes moderate, 20 fast, 10 moderate, 10 easy.
Day 20
Beginners: two sets of 45 easy minutes.
Advanced: 10 minutes easy, 50 in changes of pace, 10 easy.
Day 21
Both: 90 minutes at a moderate pace.

Fourth week

Day 22
Beginners: four sets of 20 easy minutes.
Advanced: 25 minutes moderate, 35 fast, 10 easy.
Day 23
Beginners: four sets of 15 moderate minutes, with two minutes of recovery.
Advanced: 25 minutes moderate, 35 fast, 10 easy.
Day 24
Beginners: 40 minutes at a moderate pace, 30 minutes at an easy pace.
Advanced: 10 minutes easy, 50 in changes of pace, 10 easy.
Day 25Day 26
Beginners: 40 minutes at a moderate pace plus a leg strength exercise.
Advanced: 10 moderate minutes, 50 minutes at a change of pace, 10 easy.
Day 27
Beginners: two sets of 60 minutes at an easy pace.
Advanced: 40 moderate minutes, 20 fast, 10 easy.
Day 28
Beginners: 1 hour and 45 minutes continuous soft. Advanced: 2 hours easy.

Last week

Day 29
Beginners: four sets of 20 easy minutes.
Advanced: 25 minutes moderate, 35 fast, 10 easy.
Beginners: two sets of 30 minutes at a moderate pace.
Advanced: 20 minutes moderate, 30 minutes fast, 10 moderate.

Tips and recommendations to lose weight by walking

By following these plans you can lose weight by walking. However, before starting, you should keep in mind some recommendations to avoid injury and make the activity sustainable:

Maintain good posture: without hunching your back.
Vary the routes to make the exercise less monotonous.
You can use an app to keep better control of your progress.
Work on slopes It requires greater effort, so you will be burning more calories.
Short steps: This way you can walk briskly without adding more pressure to your ankles and knees.
Accompany with your arms: the arms must move in rhythm; They cannot be very rigid or detached from the torso.
Pay attention to your breathing: It must go in rhythm with the steps. She tries to breathe in through her nose and out through her mouth. If you are going to walk during the day, remember to use sunscreen and cover yourself with a hat. Don’t forget hydration either.

Walk for your health and with realistic goals

Walking is a simple cardiovascular exercise that does not require any special equipment, except for appropriate footwear. It is recommended for people of any age, except those in whom there is some restriction due to an illness.

There are several benefits derived from walking regularly, at least half an hour a day:

Prevents diabetes. It can improve the quality of rest. Promotes the preservation of bone mass. The functioning of the heart is benefited. Ccontributes to the control of cholesterol levels. It can be practiced in a group, so it promotes socialization. Helps reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression.

And remember that The secret is in consistency and regularity. It is more effective to walk thirty minutes for several days than to walk two hours in a single day and rest the rest of the week.

Furthermore, to lose weight in a healthy way, caloric expenditure must be higher than consumption. Therefore, This one-month plan to lose weight by walking involves eating well. And eating well means the following:

Give priority to what is considered “real food”, avoiding ultra-processed foods, as well as sausages. Eat lean proteins: grilled chicken or fish. If you want a snack, make it a yogurt or a banana. No soft drinks with high sugar content. Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. Avoid pastries and ice cream. Opt for whole grains.

The concept of “losing weight” can be a bit ambiguous. For a person who has 20 or 30 extra kilos, walking will help reduce a little, but not all of the excess weight.

So you have to look for realistic goals that are achievable. and move forward gradually. The fact that you have started this plan and stopped being sedentary means that the trend can be stopped. And just as you will lose weight, you will gain a lot, especially in health and quality of life.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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