Losing weight is easier in spring. That’s why it’s the right time to go on a diet – time.news

by time news
Of Simona Marchetti

Sunnier days cause important changes in the body and brain, which can facilitate a low-calorie diet and subsequent weight loss. This is what happens to the body

Longer, sunnier days cause major changes in the body and brain, which can make weight loss easier. In what ways?

Less hungry

The first of the “seasonal” changes concerns the fame which, as research published in theEuropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition, decreases as the temperature rises: this is about 86 fewer calories per day from autumn to spring and the trend continues in the summer. This happens because the body has to try to keep coolbut all of its functions, including digestion, generate heat, so eating less is one way to reduce our body’s workload.

You burn more calories

The need to refresh is the same that allows at the same time to burn more calories in hot seasons: if you manage not to reduce the intensity of physical exercise, you will consume more energy because the body has to work harder.

Less craving for sugar

For many people, there is a direct correlation between mood and weather and, in the most extreme cases, gray winter days can trigger a kind of temporary depression (known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD) that increases craving for carbohydrates and as a result, it can lead to weight gain. Being in a better mood when the weather is nice probably means using food (usually sweets) less as emotional compensation.

More vitamin D

Although further and more in-depth research is needed, there would seem to be a correlation between the lack of vitamin D (the so-called “sunshine vitamin”, produced naturally by the body when it is exposed to sunlight), insulin resistance and obesity .

More fruits and vegetables

Unlike autumn and winter, when the table often runs the risk of turning into a feast of fatty and high-calorie foods, spring and summer are two nutritionally healthier seasons, given the greater availability of fruit and vegetables. This does not mean that temptations are banned, but given the variety of foods to choose from, it is easier to be able to resist.

More water

Just as happens with food, drinks also become lighter in spring and summer and, thanks to the rise in temperature, the need for stay hydrated. If your goal is weight loss, iced green tea should become the drink of choice because the catechins in it have been associated with increased fat burning, hunger control, and weight loss. The only caveat is not to exceed with the sugar, opting instead for fresh mint. And juices or smoothies also deserve equal attention, which represent an intelligent choice (only if they are not full of calories, so as not to nullify the healthy effect).

March 9, 2023 (change March 9, 2023 | 11:39 am)

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