Loss of Governance Former senior members of the defense establishment: “If we lose the Negev and the Galilee – Tel Aviv and Jerusalem will also be lost”

by time news

A number of former senior members of the army, the Shin Bet and the police warned this morning at a conference initiated by MK Yoav Galant and the If You Will movement, of the deterioration of personal and internal security throughout the State of Israel.

The conference was attended by Maj. Gen. MK Yoav Galant, former Shin Bet chief, MK Avi Dichter, former YMCA commander and Border Police officer, former MK David Tzur, Maj. Gen. Amir Avivi from the Security Movement, Mizrahi Dr. Mordechai Keidar and Col. Boaz Kukia from the “Choosing Life” forum of bereaved families.

Initiator of the conference, MK Yoav Galant“If rapid action is not taken to stem the tide of crime and violence, there is a grave fear of escalating internal security to the point of losing control of the security forces over what is happening. If we lose the Negev and the Galilee, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem will also be lost.” Tova in the Negev and the Galilee, is spreading, and ends up reaching what is also called the center of the country.

The government is failing to take control of Arab, criminal and nationalist crime, across the country. The time has come to say things clearly – the government is incapable of doing so. The entry into the Israeli government of the Ra’am party – the “Muslim Brotherhood” branch of Israel, gives legitimacy and a sense of security to those who are convinced that they are the lords of the land. “

Galant proposed operational measures in terms of the use of force in the face of the Arab threat: “3 regular command brigades should be added to the border, establish a quality reserve force under the border command based on infantry fighters and volunteers – over 40, organized in combat battalions, and double capabilities And the scope of the national unit YMM.

Tomer Neuberg, Flash 90

Former GSS chief, MK Avi Dichter“The issue of violence and crime in Israel in general and in the Arab sector in particular requires a declaration of a coup d’etat. When there is no law and no justice in Arab society, you begin to see phenomena of violence that spread throughout the country. The Israel Police expects “others to help.” The GSS and the IDF must also accept responsibility.

Adina Welman, Spokeswoman for the Knesset

Col. Res., Boaz Kukia from the “Choosing Life” forum“Terrorism is just the tip of the iceberg. If you do not fight the supporters of terrorism, you allow these processes to happen. The deterioration in the situation also occurs against the background of the entry of the RAAM party and Meretz, both post-Zionist, into the government.”

Channel 20

Matan Peleg, chairman of the If You Will movement“We are deteriorating because we are constantly afraid to upset the Arabs. If we get used to it, it will put us back in a worse situation than the partition plan. We may leave scorched earth for the next generation. Only if the righteousness of the way strikes us will they not be able to.”

Former head of the Operations Division, Maj. Gen. Israel Ziv“The State of Israel is losing its way. What has happened in recent weeks in the Negev is not a matter of crime – it is a nationalist matter. We see the conversion of the Bedouin population to Islam. Uncontrolled nationalization processes. The Iranian problem. “

Former commander of the Tel Aviv District Police, Border Police and the Tel Aviv District, former MK David Tzur: “When the Israeli police decided to eradicate the Jewish criminal organizations – they succeeded. The police should be given the necessary tools. Out of 100 percent budget, 80 percent goes to salaries, and of the remaining 20 percent, 15 percent are rigid in terms of maintenance, and only 5 percent remain active. “That way you can’t move. It requires a significant change. The guardian of the walls is a fault line that should be a bright spot.”

Former General Staff Corps Commander, Maj. Gen. Gershon HaCohen“We need to declare a state of emergency. We are at war, and unfortunately our leadership and Israeli society are doing everything to deny the situation. There is a struggle here against the State of Israel’s ability to exercise its sovereignty. “This is a dynamic of Israeli Arabs who believe that their time has come. The issue of civil defense must be brought back. We must launch an attack against the post-Zionist trends.”

Brigadier General Amir Avivi, Director General of the Securityist Movement: We see two vectors which are going to meet in a year or two, which are being built in front of us. The first is the Palestinian-Arab campaign for Israel, the second is the strategic race against Iran. We may reach an uprising all over the country. “I think the IDF was not prepared for that. If we wait another year or two, we will meet these vectors at the height of their power.”

Orientalist Dr. Moti Keidar: “The state has done nothing against those Bedouin concentrations on state lands in the Negev and in the face of phenomena of women importation and polygamy. Local guards must be set up to guard the settlements. Each on his own environment. “Everyone will know what he is doing to protect the road and the junction.”

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