Lots of donations at Jeinsen flea market

by time news

Great interest in the book flea market in Jeinsen: the visitors donated a lot. The St. George Congregation will now pass it on to the refugees from Ukraine living in Pattensen.

Jeinsen.With a book flea market organized in just a week and a half, a team from the St. Georg parish in Jeinsen collected more than 2,000 euros for refugees from the Ukraine. The 20 or so helpers around Elsa Wohlthat had accepted a large number of book donations in the Garvehaus opposite the church and sorted them into a total of 100 sales boxes by topic.

“After the musical devotion accompanied by the folk choir, more than 500 guests visited the flea market,” said the organizer. Among the book lovers was Tatjana Keberlein, who came from Pattensen-Mitte with her three-year-old son Robin. “Robin discovered a ‘Bob the Builder’ book and I found a lot of mysteries,” said the young mother.

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