‘Lottery’ Kim Kyung-soo “Considering what role we have for our society”… Opposition party “Welcomes”

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Lee Jae-myung: “I expect you to play a bigger role for the people and the Democratic Party.”

Former Gyeongnam Governor Kim Kyung-soo studying abroad in the UK. News 1

Former South Gyeongsang Province Governor Kim Kyung-soo, who was reinstated through a special pardon on Liberation Day, said on the 13th, “I will think carefully about what role I can play in contributing to our society.” With this reinstatement, former Governor Kim has regained his right to run for office and can now attempt a political comeback.

Former Governor Kim said on his Facebook page that day, “I once again sincerely apologize for causing concern to many people because of my work.” He added, “I will look back on the path I have taken and spend more time reflecting,” and “I will also carefully consider the meaning behind the criticism of those who opposed the lottery.”

Earlier, President Yoon Seok-yeol approved the ‘Special Pardons, Special Commutations, Special Reinstatement of Civil Rights, and Special Reduction of Prisoner Status’ passed at the Cabinet meeting that day. Former Governor Kim, former National Intelligence Service Director Won Se-hoon, former Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Cho Yoon-sun, and former Blue House Senior Secretary for Economic Affairs Ahn Jong-beom were included in the list of those eligible for reinstatement.

Former Governor Kim, who was serving a two-year prison sentence for the ‘Drew King comment manipulation’ incident, was granted a special pardon in December 2022, but was not reinstated, so his right to run for office was restricted until December 2027. However, this reinstatement opens the way for him to run in the 2026 local elections and the 2027 presidential election.

The Democratic Party of Korea initially expressed its welcome. It also emphasized that there would be no division within the party between the pro-Moon (pro-Moon Jae-in) and pro-Myung (pro-Lee Jae-myung) factions that the ruling party is targeting.

Choi Jae-sung, former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs from the Moon Jae-in administration, said on YTN Radio, “There could be a change in Lee Jae-myung’s one-man system within the Democratic Party over the next presidency,” adding, “I think that if former Governor Kim returns to the country at the end of the year and conducts a survey on the approval ratings of presidential candidates, meaningful numbers will come out.”

Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon also said on Facebook that day, “This is a reinstatement that should have been done a long time ago, and I appreciate the fact that the president made the decision despite opposition from within and outside the party, even if it was late.” He added, “I look forward to and support former Governor Kim’s role, which has become stronger and deeper.”

Some in the pro-Lee faction initially had a strong view that the reinstatement of former Governor Kim was a political intention of the ruling party aimed at ‘dividing the opposition party,’ but they were cautious with their words that day. There was also an assessment that this would be an outlet to ease the burden of public criticism that it is a ‘Lee Jae-myung one-man system.’

Former leader Lee Jae-myung wrote on Facebook that day, “I sincerely welcome you together with the party members,” and “I hope you will play a bigger role for the people and the Democratic Party.”

On KBS Radio that day, Rep. Choi Min-hee said, “The more Democratic Party presidential candidates the better.” He said, “If there are no other candidates and only party leader Lee Jae-myung runs the primary, it won’t help the Democratic Party and it won’t give hope to the people.” He added, “I hope that former Governor Kim will be reinstated soon so that he can contribute more to the Democratic Party with his own items and content and give hope to the people.”

Reporter Kim Hye-rin, Donga.com [email protected]

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2024-08-13 09:15:21

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