Lotto key on 04/20/2024

by time news

If you’ve made it this far, it’s probably because you appreciate the work we’re doing.

Diário de Santo Tirso is private but provides a public service, it is an online newspaper from Santo Tirso, with news exclusively from Santo Tirso, independent and plural. We believe that quality information, which helps people think and decide, is a right for everyone in a society that aims to be democratic.

In order to be able to present you with more and better information, including more reports and interviews and using an increasingly developed platform and other means, such as video, we need your help.

The Diário de Santo Tirso has operating costs, including maintenance and renewal of equipment, representation expenses, transport and telecommunications, hosting of pages on the network and activity-specific fees.

Furthermore, Diário de Santo Tirso intends to produce and distribute more and better information, with independence and with the diversity of opinions typical of an open and plural society.

If you consider the work carried out to be worthwhile, be sure to make your symbolic contribution – from 1 euro – in the form of a donation through mbway, netbanking or ATM. If you are a company or institution, you may receive advertising as a form of retribution.

If you intend to subscribe as often as you see fit, schedule your contributions. Make that commitment with us.

MB WAY: 938 595 855

NIB: 0036 0253 99100013700 45

IBAN: PT 50 0036 0253 99100013700 45


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