Loud Bangs and Tension in Jerusalem: Restrictions at Al-Aqsa Mosque

by time news

Multiple bangs were heard just moments before Friday prayers in Jerusalem were set to begin, according to a CNN team on the ground. Witnesses believe the loud noises were stun grenades. Smoke was visible near the Lions’ Gate, one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City. Israeli authorities have sealed off the road leading to the gate and have restricted entry to the Old City. Access to the al-Aqsa compound, the third holiest site in Islam, has been limited to individuals over the age of 60. A video obtained by CNN shows Israeli soldiers climbing the stairs towards the al-Aqsa mosque. CNN’s Becky Anderson and her team reported live from Jerusalem, emphasizing the significance of the site as a focal point of conflict. While anyone can visit the site, only Muslims are allowed to pray there. Anderson raised concerns about who would be granted access to the site by Israeli authorities and soldiers. Currently, access is said to be selective. Palestinians living in the West Bank have been unable to enter Jerusalem for several days. Restricting access to the al-Aqsa mosque is seen as a provocative move and has drawn criticism.

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