Louis VLAVONOU advocates parliamentary eco-citizenship

by time news

2023-12-21 02:54:06

“Citizenship and preservation of the environment”. This is the theme around which the civil and military staff of the National Assembly of Benin were discussed this Monday, December 18, 2023 during the traditional colors ceremony instituted by President Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou since his arrival at the head of Parliament Beninese. This theme, which fits with the news of the last World Climate Summit (COP 28), was developed by James Williams Gbaguidi, Deputy Director of information and communication services of the National Assembly of Benin.

After defining some conceptual notions such as the environment, sustainable development, etc., James Williams Gbaguidi indicated that Benin faces several major environmental challenges which threaten the quality of life and the future of its inhabitants. Among these challenges, he cited: waste management, pollution, deforestation, desertification, climate change… It is also faced with this very worrying picture that the communicator wondered about what can be done modest civil and military parliamentary officials to reverse the trend. To remedy this situation which is already worrying everyone, James Williams Gbaguidi offers some practical keys to be implemented by both the parliamentary administration and by civil and military personnel.

Practical keys

“The administration can consider setting up targeted awareness campaigns within our institution itself. Public display operations, workshops, conferences and interactive events can be organized. The administration can also offer training modules dedicated to environmental citizenship. The National Assembly can finally promote citizen participation by encouraging citizens to participate in public debates, consultations, surveys on environmental issues,” suggested the communicator.
As for parliamentary officials, most of the keys come down to the observance of a battery of eco-citizen behaviors. “The National Assembly can reduce its energy consumption if each of us turns off lights and electronic devices when they are not in use and if we work to optimize the air conditioning in our offices. The National Assembly can reduce its water consumption by installing low-flow faucets, repairing water leaks, using low-flow toilets, etc. It would be relevant to consider this for the new headquarters of the institution. It is possible to reduce our common paper consumption by using electronic files, printing double-sided, recycling paper, etc. “, basically thinks James Williams Gbaguidi who suggested that parliamentary officials promote carpooling to get to work, especially for those who come from Cotonou and surrounding areas.
“Each of us can reduce our plastic consumption by using reusable water bottles, avoiding plastic packaging, and recycling plastic. We can also promote sustainable eating by considering vegetarian options from time to time, using local and organic products, avoiding food waste, etc. », added the communicator for whom, “Being a parliamentary eco-citizen also means respecting the colossal work carried out every day by maintenance workers, garbage collectors, gardeners, landscapers and others, whom we treat too often with condescension, even with contempt.
In his speech, President Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou praised the simplicity shown by the communicator. He greatly appreciated the appeal made by the communicator to parliamentary agents regarding the respect they must have for maintenance workers and other people responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of the National Assembly. For President Vlavonou, all these people who we tend to neglect have their importance in society.

QA December 21, 2023

#Louis #VLAVONOU #advocates #parliamentary #ecocitizenship

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