“Lousy red friend, tired of Cuba?”

by time news

2023-10-20 11:28:34

The international political scene is politicizing national politics even more in these weeks of negotiations ahead of the investiture. The clearest example has been seen in the Madrid Assembly, where tension has risen after Mónica García, from Más Madrid, asked Isabel Díaz Ayuso to condemn Israel’s attacks against the civilian population of Gaza.

“I’m starting to think that you are not in favor of the Palestinian cause but that you are deeply anti-Semitic,” Ayuso responded, encouraging her to “come out of retirement and go to the Gaza Strip” to see “what real life is like.” in the hands of Hamas.” El Gran Wyoming ironically analyzes this tense moment in the main video of this news: “Just like Ayuso with the ‘go to Gaza’ thing, she was doing a promotion for a travel agency.” “Friend, lousy red, tired of always being sent to Cuba? Tired of spending your vacation in Venezuela sweating in that Bolivarian tracksuit? Well, you’re in luck, because thanks to ‘Viajes Ayuso’, you can also travel to Gaza “.

“Enjoy a fantastic fortnight on the fringe, an unknown destination, with more ruins than the Parthenon and where what is thrown on the ground are not dishes but human rights,” Wyoming ironically says.

#Lousy #red #friend #tired #Cuba

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