Love burnout: what it is and how to know if you have it

by time news

To feel extreme emotional and physical exhaustion is known as Burnout syndrome. It is about total exhaustion. Although it is usually related to the job o to maternityit is possible to experiment with the couple. If you have ever felt “tired” of your partner, surely it is the love burnout. What is it and how do you know if you have it?

What is an emotional burnout?

He emotional or love burnout refers to prolonged wear that affects the Couple relationships. It usually happens in those couples who live exposed to situations of excessive stress. Main symptoms alert are: exhaustionfatigue, insomniafrustration, culpa.

When a person in the relationship presents these signs, they usually isolating and renouncing social contact. The symptoms can manifest physically with extreme tiredness, dolor muscularheadache, gastrointestinal problems and others.

There may also be: lack of motivationlittle connection with the couple, anxietyfeeling of loneliness.

Love burnout: what it is and how to know if you have it. Photo: iStock

Why does emotional burnout occur?

Experts believe that the trigger for this type of burnout it is self-doubt.

He burnout emocional It happens when one of the members of the couple feels that they are failing. He doubts his ability to love and be loved. Self-doubt causes the negative effect to begin to interfere with their social relationships.

He burnout emocional It is more distinguished today, because the couple model has changed, as well as the interests of each person. Now there is a lack of commitment, you only seek pleasure or you no longer make as much effort to conquer someone. They just see each other as disposable objects.

If he burnout is not addressed, there will be little satisfaction for what has been done, points out the Medicine and Occupational Safety magazine.

What to do when someone has burnout?

It is believed that the psychological factors mixed with stress and the mental load influence so that Detonate the Burnout Syndrome. Although it can be a bit complex to identify and treat, it is possible.

set limits that favor you physically and mentally

Opt for a style Healthy life

make some activity you enjoy

Rest at least 8 hours a day

make some physical activity

seek help from an expert

Love burnout: what it is and how to know if you have it. Photo: iStock

How many phases does Burnout syndrome have?

Chemise, according to the Vivat Academia Communication Magazinepoints out that the Burnout is an adaptive process where the exhausted person stop having commitment for what you do, be it a job or a relationship. He Burnout syndrome has 3 phases:

1. stress phase. Imbalance between the demands of work or the couple and the resources available to the person to respond.

2. exhaustion phase. It is the immediate emotional response (worry, tension, anxiety, fatigue and exhaustion) to that situation.

3. defensive coping phase. There are changes in behavior and attitude.

How long does burnout last?

The Burnout Syndrome can last for months until diagnosed and treated. Furthermore, when a person suffers from it, there are high chances that it will happen again in the future.

Love burnout: what it is and how to know if you have it. Photo: iStock

How to know if a person is emotionally tired?

When a person has emotional exhaustionyou may be irritable, moody, overly sensitive, or unmotivated. has lost enthusiasm for whatever you do. People close to you might think you don’t have feelings.

What happens if burnout is not treated?

If he Burnout It is not attended to in a timely manner, there may be a need to take medication to be able to rest, stressdepression, anxietyfatigue and can also trigger health problems.

What organs are affected by stress?

He stress increases the risk of heart diseaseobesity, diabeteshair loss, sexual dysfunction, infarto cerebral, gastrointestinal problems, asthma or high cholesterol.

Pay attention to the signswell the relationship with your partner could trigger love burnout, that you could confuse with other psychological problems.

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