by time news

2024-08-01 09:49:38

I’ve been smoking for longer than I should have, but the truth is that in my time it was common, almost a condition Society. I promised my lady to stop several times. Last time he believed me, so he went to the office and fed me with fennel candy, which I have never seen before in my life. I don’t know if I’m good at hiding or if he pretends not to see, but I know that one of the many times he showed up at the office for an unexpected visit, Carlos – probably – told him that I was in the yard and that he can enter and leave until then. He took me in action and much more than a lie with a short leg, a shame that I thought was long. I never put a cigarette in my mouth again after that day.

That’s why I didn’t tremble when they started putting the sick and those who cut themselves on the back of the cigarette cases. I admit, however, that I would prefer not to have seen that. Even if it is for the “love of the unknown”. I don’t know if the truth is more sweet or the shame of living with the full truth.

Back in the 1990s, my oldest son, in his madness for Colorado, started listening to the radio early in the morning, when he got home from school and around five in the afternoon he left his jam on the road and returned to the radio. again, waiting for something good news for Beira Rio teams every day of the sacred ritual. But in those days, even on the radio, news did not travel as quickly as it does now; everything is very instantaneous and very precarious in terms of quality.

Obviously there are bad things in the past. We have had incompetent managers, incompetent coaches, mediocre players. But, maybe because of the “love of the unknown” or even because of the slower natural pace of things, and it took us a while to find out about the embarrassments, the players pouting to take, the salary reminders, the directors close cabaret as well. the Club’s money (yes, everything that was more romantic and innocent back then) and so on. That’s when we really know…

Now, everything is a gallop. And the news is leaking more than a bag of flour in a campaign bowl…

And so much that I have been thinking that, perhaps, the frustration with our current President seems worse than with others of the same character that we have had before. Maybe he is not the weakest, he makes as many or more mistakes or more than others sitting in the same chair, however in these days when everyone knows and sees everything almost instantly, his indifference separates the foundations of the most common cause. their fans who, at this point, are tired of having made us laugh treasure once again, it is already asking (probably rightly) for the president Mor which then leads Sport Club Internacional down an almost black path.

In that old paradigm of having a “love for the unknown”, which in general terms is nothing more than being at peace with the lack of knowledge and wisdom of what goes on in the Club’s waters, having confidence in knowing how to live , survive and live and face the present day as a United Fan.

Well then. Since courage is not the strong point of those in charge of Internacional and, indeed, the President will not have the manliness to ask for a hat either, we can hope that those who take the place can show something more than what we has seen that. far away A modicum of perspective, at least.

The problem is that it is hard to believe this for those who already seem at the end of their rope…

I don’t know how it will end, but just in case, I want to keep the “love of the unknown”.


– They have finished Internacional;

– The late Dr. Ibsen Pinheiro said that “the coach who climbs the bad mountain lives well”. I confess that it is impossible to see any virtue in the work of Roger Machado;

– The word shame is “shame” of its use in matters related to Inter;

– Players are rushing to enter the space, eliminating the guide hidden behind everything;

– If they had paid attention to what the Chilean did to leave the first time, they would have had the man to not let him set foot in Beira Rio again;

– And this goes for any player, coach and manager: no one is bigger or will be bigger than Sport Club Internacional;

– Colorado’s year ends in July and now it’s a thankless fight for survival;

– The truth is said: violence will do anything;

– I don’t agree with what they did with Internacional. Disappointment is with myself, for a day (or a few) of believing in all this support;

– After the armadillo hunt last week, I returned to Inter news. I really wish I could stand there in the dungeons without knowing anything.


You don’t want to be silent: what did they do with Internacional?

I can’t even ask for more faith and resilience from you, my Colorado people! Let the man upstairs show us some mercy.



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