“Love is in the meadow”: “Nobody ever took me in their arms”

by time news

With her small voice and her meter 60, Perrine the youngest of the farmers of season 18 of “Love is in the meadow” leaves no one indifferent. This snail breeder in Burgundy will mark the 2023 vintage. Because the young blonde with short hair is a warrior. At the head of her farm for three years, helped by her mother, she is single because she cannot overcome a blockage: talking about Crohn’s disease – a pathology that affects the digestive tract – which she suffers from.

“I’m ashamed, I’m not telling anyone, it’s a secret, she confides a little stressed. In everyday life, I’m afraid of being a burden, of being rejected. But I also realized by seeing couples that work that anything was possible. At least with the show everyone will know. »

After explaining the reproduction of snails to Karine Le Marchand, who enjoys this “double penetration, this mutual penetration”, the single woman managed to overcome the stress to describe what she would like in life. “To test my suitors, I’ll give them a taste of my snails,” she laughs. Romantic, Perrine dreams of starting a family.

She is looking for a man “with character without being excessive”, childless, tolerant and energetic to share a life of love. Single for six years, she dreams of coming out of her shell for a handsome, tolerant brunette with a pretty smile. “I don’t feel alone because I live with my mum, but I want to find my other half. »

For Patrice, a solo adult life after an equally solitary childhood

Second ultra-touching personality in these portraits, Patrice overwhelmed us at first sight. At 39, this collector of miniature tractors has never known the sweetness of another. The son of farmers, a purebred Norman, he took over his parents’ dairy farm in 2009. A farm that he transformed into suckler cows to make life easier and above all to save time.

A way also to arrange his life with his motor handicap, “but absolutely not mental”, specifies Karine Le Marchand: hemiplegia from birth, which impacts his hand, his right leg and his diction. Today, he heads a herd of 45 animals and simultaneously grows barley, rapeseed, flax and beets. A solo adult life after an equally lonely childhood because of her difference.

As he confides in Karine Le Marchand, Patrice is carried away by emotion. “Nobody ever took me in their arms, I miss that,” he confides, his eyes misty and his throat knotted. “It’s painful, isn’t it?” You want to start with me, asks the facilitator. I will be the first! A huge hug ensues between the two. Heart touching. After this moment, a big smile lights up the peasant’s face. “So how is it?” » asks Karine Le Marchand « Well, I like it… Thank you! I have everything to learn,” he concludes. The most moving sequence of the evening.

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